Announcements and What's New
If it's news or simply an announcement, you'll find it here. In the "Announcements" section of the website, you'll find our electronic newsletters, newsletter sign up, archive newsletters, press releases, news room, what's new on the websites, and MarineParents.com "in the news."
Video Marine Corps
MCMAP to Overcome Obstacles
Published on 2/6/2025
Marines attached to Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Crisis Response Central Command, practice Marine Corps Martial Arts Program techniques during an Integrated Training Exercise aboard Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif., July 17, 2015. ITX is conducted to enhance the integration and war fighting capability from all elements of the Marine Air Ground Task Force.
Hue's Hospital, Jail, Provincial Headquarters Recaptured
February 6, 1968, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 2/6/2025
On February 6, 1968, two reduced Marine battalions, the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines with two companies, and 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines with three, recaptured Hue's hospital, jail, and provincial headquarters. It would take three more weeks of intense house-to-house fighting, and nearly a thousand Marines killed and wounded before the imperial city was secured.
When to Stop Sending Letters During Boot Camp
Every situation is a little different. Please read.
Published on 2/6/2025
Writing letters are the best way to stay connected to your recruit while he/she is in boot camp. You may hear someone will tell you there is a day you are supposed to stop sending letters. This may be from their own personal experience, but every situation is different.
The National Museum of the Marine Corps Virtual Experience
Explore the sights and sounds of the museum on your computer
Published on 2/5/2025
The Virtual Experience includes interactive 3-D models of aircrafts and other artifacts, oral history recordings, walking tour narratives, zoomable HD photos of special exhibits and more. General James T. Conway gives an introduction to the Virtual Experience in a video featured on the Virtual Experience website.
Stages of Your Marine's Career
We are here for you at every stage!
Published on 2/5/2025
The mission of MarineParents.com is to provide support, information, and services to recruit and Marine family members and troops over the course of the life-cycle of your recruit or Marine's career in the Corps.
This sentiment is reflected in our Marine Corps Career icon. From the time your future Marine is a poolee, through boot camp, the school of infantry and military occupational schooling, permanent duty stations, and deployments. Then after your Marine's time in the Corps or if he or she is recovering from wounds or injuries sustained while serving, we have information for every step of the journey.
Check the Weather
How does the weather impact Recruit Training?
Published on 2/5/2025
Well, it doesn't. Recruits train whether the weather is fair, cold, cloudy, or raining. But if you'd like to check the weather daily, we've got a page for that, too.
History of the Yellow Ribbon for Military
A Living Tradition Passed on for Decades
Published on 2/4/2025
The yellow ribbon in military tradition has been around for decades and perhaps centuries. The origins are unclear, and what it represents has changed over time. This article is not an all-inclusive history but an overview of the last few decades of military use.
Wearing and otherwise displaying a yellow ribbon to remember loved ones far away or to identify with a particular cause is a contemporary custom rooted in popular culture and folk tradition, some say as far back as the civil war. Indeed, you can infer that when a yellow ribbon is displayed, it's intended to signify the binding ties between loved ones separated by military conflict or long distances.
Yellow ribbons gained popularity during the Gulf War in the early 1990s and often appeared alongside the slogan "Support Our Troops." Yellow ribbons were tied to trees and seen on bumpers with the sentiment to support those sacrificing for our country a hope they would return home safely. The practice continued during the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq after September 11, 2001.
The yellow ribbon is a living tradition and symbol of military support. It has taken on new meanings through the years. Based on history, you can surmise that its symbolism will continue to evolve.
Support the Organization that Supports Marines
Your Donation Makes a Difference
Published on 2/4/2025
Please donate today to support the organization that supports you during your Marine's career.
Your donation finances the dissemination of information to educate families about the Marine Corps, casework disaster relief for Marines and their families, and building communities for family members to have a place to connect and share® before, during, and after their loved one's service in the Marine Corps, and monetary assistance to Marine Corps family members who would otherwise be unable to attend boot camp graduation.
MarineParents.com, Inc., was founded nationally on January 21, 2003, to provide support, information, and services to Marines and their family members and create opportunities for the public to support our troops through outreach programs.
Interference During Recruit Training
Our Philosophy, and Why You Should Read This
Published on 2/4/2025
MarineParents.com, Inc. discourages any interference with recruit training, including but not limited to photos of recruits in training, attendance at pep rallies or bus rallies, attendance at Sunday services with recruits, or anything outside the regular Family Day and Graduation Ceremony held at MCRD.
Marine Corps Ranks
Learn about ranks using terminology civilians can understand.
Published on 2/3/2025
Learning about Marine Corps ranks is a fundamental yet vital part of life in the Corps. Not only is it essential for your Marine to know the rank structure, but it can also be helpful for loved ones to know which rank their Marine is and which ranks their Marine will work with daily.
MCRD San Diego Graduations
A Great Hotel 2 Miles from MCRD!
Published on 2/3/2025
Town and Country Resort, located in San Diego’s Mission Valley neighborhood, is just 2 miles to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot and offers a comfortable and fun option for military families. Recently renovated with an authentic mid-century modern design and a friendly Southern California vibe, the resort is an ideal home base for a San Diego stay.
The resort offers a comfortable guestroom, 3 pools, a 4-story waterslide named “Twister,” 5 restaurants and bars, a penthouse fitness center with Peloton bikes, and 19 fire pits. It is pet and family-friendly with a 3-acre attached park and a host of family activities. The resort is within walking distance of Fashion Valley Mall and provides easy access to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, beaches, and area attractions.
Making Reservations
Special rates for military families are available when you book using the RESERVE link:
The Chain of Command
Knowing, understanding, and following the chain of command
Published on 2/3/2025
Knowing, understanding, and following the chain of command in the military is crucial. The chain of command is the system that controls the happenings, tasks, and logistics of the military. The chain of command is also the tasking authority for subordinates. The chain of command is what gives warriors structure and discipline when engaging in conflict. It is imperative to the success of our military that the chain of command exercises the correct leadership and appropriate discipline in order to ensure success.
Battle of Roi-Namur
February 2, 1944, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 2/2/2025
On February 2, 1944, the 4th Marine Division captured Roi-Namur and eight other islands in the Kwajalein Atoll. This was done as part of the first assault on islands controlled by the Japanese before the beginning of World War II.
Our Facebook Groups by Family Affiliation
For Parents, Moms, and Dads
Published on 2/2/2025
We have official MarineParents Facebook groups to communicate with others with the same affiliation. Our groups are run by volunteers who have gone through 40 hours of training to facilitate the groups. Be sure to answer all three questions when you click to join a group.
Haircuts & Hygiene
Part of the Reason Marines Look So Good in Uniform
Published on 2/2/2025
It is not uncommon to hear a statement like, "Marines sure do look sharp in uniform!" As a matter of fact, some Marines claim part of their motivation to join the Marine Corps was found in the desire to attain the honor of wearing the esteemed uniform.
Why do Marines look so sharp in uniform? The answer lies in their incredible attention to detail and strict uniform regulations which include specifications regarding haircuts and hygiene.
Operation Prairie II Begins
February 1, 1967, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 2/1/2025
On February 1, 1967, elements of the 3rd Marine Division began Operation Prairie II in Quang Tri province, South Vietnam. The 46-day search-and-destroy operation, which concluded on March 18, 93 Marines and 693 enemy troops were killed.
History of 8th & I
Learn about Marine Barracks Washington, also known as 8th & I.
Published on 2/1/2025
Marine Barracks Washington, known as "8th & I," is the oldest post in the Marine Corps and has been the residence of every Commandant since 1806. The site for the barracks, at the intersection of 8th St. and I St. in Washington, D.C., was chosen by President Thomas Jefferson and the second Commandant of the Marine Corps, Lt. Col. William Ward Burrows, after the two rode through the city looking for a suitable location. The intersection of 8th St. and I St. was chosen due to its proximity to the Washington Naval Yard and the fact that it was within easy marching distance of the Capitol building.
Montford Point Marine Memorial
Dedicated to all Montford Point Marines and their legacy (Jacksonville, NC)
Published on 2/1/2025
February is Black History month. Today we are featuring the Montford Point Marines.
The Montford Point Marine Sculpture that represents the Montford Point Marines; the angle of incline represents the uphill struggle for equality, stands at the Montford Point Marines Memorial in Jacksonville, N.C., Aug. 26.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Christian Ayers/Released 200826-M-ZF985-1022.JPG
MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Lourdes, Attend Graduation
Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
Published on 2/1/2025
On Friday, January 17, 2025, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Lourdes, the Mother of a recruit, to Parris Island for the recruit's graduation from November Company to become a Marine.
I would like to thank Marine Parents for the generous award which was given to me to be able to travel to my daughter’s family day and graduation, traveling from Puerto Rico to Parris Island. I have been raising my children as a divorced parent and then alone since their father passed three years ago, and I am still raising my teenage son, who is at home and in high school. I would not have been able to afford the two plane tickets, and hotel stay without receiving this assistance for my trip. More than likely, I would have had to fly alone and somehow leave my other child behind or not travel, but we were both there, thanks to you! I want to share with other parents the pride and honor you experience attending these activities. Having not seen my Marine child for 12 weeks with limited contact by mail, it was an overwhelming joy to see her finally. I felt pride and awe to see her in uniform and the amazing formation during the graduation. Thank you again, Marine Parents, and I hope to someday be able to give back so that other families don’t have to miss this important milestone in their family members’ lives. Lourdes, New Marine Mom
Marine Corps Acronyms & Abbreviations
Here is a starting point for recruit families to learn the thousands of acronyms for the Marine Corps.
Published on 1/31/2025
This page is a great reference for those who want to learn military acronyms and abbreviations. The military uses many acronyms that troops must learn. There are some that are specific to a branch, including the Marine Corps.
Marine Corps Video
An Inside Look at Mascot Cpl Chesty XII
Published on 1/31/2025
CBS News RAW: David Martin speaks with U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. William Dixon about the retirement of the honored and longstanding canine mascot, Chesty, who served his nation proudly.
Travel Plans for Graduation
Marine Corps Recruit Depot: PI & SD
Published on 1/31/2025
Making your travel plans to San Diego or Parris Island is easy enough, but what about your soon-to-be Marine? Will he/she travel back home with you for 10-day leave? How do you know what time to arrange flights?
If you didn't discuss this with your recruit prior to leaving for boot camp, and most of us did not, and the letters you're getting from your recruit aren't giving you the answers you need, where do you turn?
MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Felicia, Attend Graduation
Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
Published on 1/31/2025
On Friday, January 24, 2025, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Felicia, the Mother of a recruit, to San Diego for the recruit's graduation from Bravo Company to become a Marine.
I want to send a very special thank you to the program that helped me participate in one of the most memorable and meaningful days of our lives. Thank you to the Marine Parents Travel Assistance program. It is an amazing program that has helped parents reunite with their loved ones at graduation and make a difference in our lives. Thank you again. Felicia, New Marine Mom
The Marine Corps Flag
Learn the history of the Marine Corps Flag.
Published on 1/30/2025
The Marine Corps flag is scarlet and shows the Marine Corps emblem, which contains a fouled anchor, a globe displaying the western hemisphere, and a spread American Bald Eagle atop the globe. A ribbon held in the eagle's beak carries the Marine motto, "Semper Fidelis," (Latin for "always faithful"). Below the emblem, a larger ribbon holds the title, "United States Marine Corps."
The history of the Marine Corps flag is long and diverse. There is little information available about the flags carried by early Marines, although there is evidence that the "Grand Union" flag was carried ashore by a battalion led by Captain Samuel Nicholas on New Providence Island, Bahamas, in March of 1776. The "Rattlesnake" flag may have also been carried on that expedition.
Do you know the differences between PERSEC and OPSEC?
Published on 1/30/2025
When it comes to Personal Security (PERSEC), there seems to be some confusion about what it is and how it can affect a Marine and their families on a daily basis. So we're going to attempt to clear it up.
First of all, PERSEC is similar but is NOT OPSEC. OPSEC deals more with the day-to-day operations going on in the Marine Corps. This can be for anything from deployment dates to weapons serial numbers to troop movements.
On the other hand, there is PERSEC. PERSEC deals more with each individual's personal security and how they safeguard their own personal information. We will talk about how it relates to deployments and social media, and how we can better protect ourselves from giving up our personal information.
The Marine Corps does not enforce PERSEC regulations as strictly as they do for OPSEC. However, that does not make PERSEC less important than OPSEC. If safety, in general, is important to you then you should be taking PERSEC seriously.
When Will I Know My Recruit's Platoon Number?
An Article from our Founder, Tracy Della Vecchia
Published on 1/30/2025
This is an important question because we can't send a letter until we get the platoon number. The address for each company is public knowledge, but mailing a letter without a platoon number causes big delays. The wrong platoon number causes even more delays. So here's the TOTAL scoop on this question.
Operation Desert Storm Ground Combat Begins
January 29, 1991, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/29/2025
On January 29, 1991, the first serious ground combat of Operation Desert Storm broke out when Iraqi troops mounted an attack into Saudi Arabia along a 40-mile front. Iraqi units centered their efforts on Khafji, a port city six miles south of the border. Saudi and Quatari troops, supported by artillery from the 1st Marine Division, attack helicopters, and other allied coalition aircraft, recaptured the town two days later.
Citizenship in the Marine Corps
Learn how a Marine can obtain citizenship while in the Marine Corps.
Published on 1/29/2025
Not every Marine that serves their country is a United States citizen. At least not always right away. There are different scenarios where a Marine can obtain citizenship from their service. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have outlined how Marines and their spouses can become citizens through military service.
The Recruit Parents Website
Navigating Boot Camp for 20 Years
Published on 1/29/2025
We've been helping families understand recruit training (boot camp) for 20 years. We speak in civilian terms to help family members who are new to the military. For help navigating our website, use this map of pages on RecruitParents.com.
I couldn't have gone through my son's 13 weeks in boot camp without the support and information right here on this website. I got 13 weeks of education, too. Thank you for teaching me how to be a Marine Parent!
—Jill from Iowa, Marine Mom, 2007
After the Marine Corps
Reintegration to the Civilian World
Published on 1/28/2025
The mission of After the Corps (ATC) is to provide support, information, and services to post-9/11 Marines and their family members during the transition into IRR, reintegration upon discharge, and as veterans.
This site is a great resource for you and your Marine to learn more about what to expect as he or she transitions out of active-service and rejoins the civilian world. Much of the information provided on ATC comes from the personal experiences of multiple Marine Corps veterans who work with our organization.
Marine Corps Motto & Slogans
The long history of the Marine Corps contains many mottos & slogans that are still used today.
Published on 1/28/2025
The Marine Corps has a long and illustrious history dating back to November 10, 1775. Over the years Marines have picked up nicknames like "Devil Dog" and "Leatherneck" and have adopted phrases "Semper Fidelis," "the Few, the Proud," and "Esprit de Corps." From the Marines' Hymn to the famous Eagle, Globe, and Anchor emblem, there is much to learn about the terminology of the Corps.
Marine Video: Black Friday
YouTube Channel Official Marines Video
Published on 1/28/2025
Spend pick-up day, more notoriously known as "Black Friday", with these recruits and their drill instructors. This is the first afternoon where recruits spend quality time with their drill instructors.
MAGTF CM 2-88 Arrives in Persian Gulf
January 27, 1988, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/27/2025
On January 27, 1988, approximately 400 Marines and sailors from the 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, and 2nd Force Service Support Group deployed for the Persian Gulf. The Contingency Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) CM 2-88 would relieve Contingency MAGTF 1-88 in the region and provide the effective landing force capability to Joint Task Force Middle East.
Semper Gumby
Semper Gumby in the Marine Corps means Always Flexible.
Published on 1/27/2025
Semper Gumby in the Marine Corps means "Always Flexible" and is a play on the Marine Corps slogan "Semper Fidelis" or "Semper Fi" meaning "Always Faithful". In the Marine Corps, whether a family member or a Marine, we quickly learn that Semper Gumby is a way of life! He's a true icon of the Marine Corps family.
Drill Instructor Creed
of the United States Marine Corps
Published on 1/27/2025
Your recruit will be introduced to his or her Drill Instructors (DIs) for the first time at the end of the first week after arriving in boot camp. Indeed, this is one of the defining moments in a recruit's training.
The History of the Battlefield Cross
Learn the history and purchase the lapel pin for Memorial Day
Published on 1/26/2025
The first appearance of the “battlefield cross” is not a known fact. Some believe it may have been during the Civil War where it may have been used to signify the location of a dead soldier to be collected and buried during which time they would call a temporary truce.
Join our team of Volunteers at MarineParents
Did you know our volunteers work from home? You can, too!
Published on 1/26/2025
Volunteering at Marine Parents is a rewarding experience and opens many doors to new friendships and levels of support, and provides you an opportunity to lend support to other Marine Corps families, in addition to our Marines and Sailors. Volunteers at Marine Parents receive no compensation, either monetarily or with benefits.
The Matrix and Recruit Parent Articles
The Perfect Starting Point for Parents of Poolees & Recruits
Published on 1/26/2025
Get started here preparing for your son or daughter leaving for Marine Corps Recruit Training, also known as Boot Camp at both Parris Island and San Diego.
Health Insurance in the Marine Corps
Learn about the health insurance Marines are offered in the Corps.
Published on 1/25/2025
Health insurance is just one of the many benefits offered in the Marine Corps. The health insurance offered to Marines has many complexities and at times can be confusing, and with that comes a lot of questions from parents. When to take your recruit/Marine off your insurance? When does your recruit/Marines' insurance take effect? What if your recruit/Marine is a reservist? Not only should Marines be aware of the benefits that are available to them, but their families should also be educated on them as well.
Video Marine Corps
Following the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor: The Legacy
Published on 1/25/2025
The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor is so much more than the Marine Corps insignia. It's a symbol of the honor, courage, and commitment of every Marine who has fought and won our Nation's battles.
This Week in Marine Corps History: Battle of Seattle
January 25, 1866, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/25/2025
On January 25, 1866, Marines and sailors from the American sloop, Decatur went ashore at the village of Seattle, Washington, to protect settlers from raids by the local native population. The Native Americans launched a seven-hour attack on the settlers but were driven off later that day after suffering severe losses. Only two civilian volunteers were killed and no Marines or sailors were lost.
The Commandant's Reading List
What is it and why is it important?
Published on 1/24/2025
Reading Books from the CRL (Commandant's Reading List) can help with promotions. How a Marine demonstrates completion of this annual requirement will be at the discretion of the commander, whether it be through a book report or guided discussion.
MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Cynthia, Attend Graduation
Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
Published on 1/24/2025
On Friday, January 17, 2025, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Cynthia, the Mother of a recruit, to San Diego for the recruit's graduation from Lima Company to become a Marine.
Thank you for your assistance! Being with my firstborn son on such a critical day was something I will never forget! The memories that were created will last a lifetime, and I am so thankful to be able to be here for him! Cynthia, New Marine Mom
What’s next in Marine Corps innovation?
A video from MilTech on Defense News
Published on 1/24/2025
Marines are known for being adaptable and creative. So what are some of the advancements they’re trying out to improve in the field? This video explains some recent technologies to make tools lighter, faster, and deadlier for the Marine Corps. Narrated by Todd South, Editor-at-Large for Military Times.
Etiquette in the Corps
The Marine Corps is full of traditions and customs, and that comes with many types of military etiquette.
Published on 1/23/2025
The Marine Corps is full of traditions and customs, and that comes with many types of military etiquette. We will discuss some of the common types as they pertain to family members and their Marines and how you should act in those situations.
Condo-Style Hotel for Graduations
For Marine Corps Boot Camp Graduations San Diego
Published on 1/23/2025
City 24 is a luxurious condo-style hotel located 1 mile from the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego! Ooh Rah Marine Families!! This is the perfect place for your family to stay for your Marine's graduation from boot camp. City 24 offers a discounted rate for family members attending the graduation; mention Marine Parents and ask for the special rate. We look forward to serving the family members of our new Marines!
What Comes After the Corps?
Is Your Marine in EAS Mode? What is that?
Published on 1/23/2025
You've got questions, we've got answers. In civilian terms. For help navigating our website "After the Corps" use our website map page. You guessed it, there's another whole set of acronyms to understand when your son or daughter is ready for EAS: End of Active Duty Service. We'll help you navigate this stage in the Marine Corps career as well. For help navigating our website, use this map of pages on AfterTheCorps.com.
Thanks to this organization and volunteers for keeping me informed every step of the way. I will forever feel such gratitude. During the difficult times of my Marine's career in the Corps, I felt like I wasn't alone. Two Grateful Marine Parents, 2012
Operation Dewey Cannon
January 22, 1969, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/22/2025
On January 22, 1969, Operation Dewey Canyon, arguably the most successful high-mobility regimental-size action of the Vietnam War, began in the A Shau/Da Krong Valleys when the 9th Marines, commanded by Colonel Robert H. Barrow, and supporting artillery were lifted from Quang Tri. By mid-March, the enemy's base area had been cleared out, 1617 enemy combatants had been killed, and more than 500 tons of weapons and ammunition were recovered. Barrow later went on to become the 27th Commandant of the Marine Corps.
The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor (EGA)
Learn more about the origins of the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor.
Published on 1/22/2025
The origins of the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor insignia worn by Marines can be traced to those ornaments worn by early Continental Marines as well as to the British Royal Marines.
In 1776, Marines wore a device depicting a fouled anchor. Changes were made to that device in 1798, 1821, and 1824. An eagle was added in 1834. The current insignia dates to 1868 when Brigadier General Commandant Jacob Zeilin convened a board "to decide and report upon the various devices of cap ornaments of the Marine Corps." A new insignia was recommended and approved by the Commandant. On 19 November 1868, the new insignia was accepted by the Secretary of the Navy.
Knowledge is Power!
Learn more at Recruit Parents
Published on 1/22/2025
Everything you need to know about Marine Corps Boot Camp Recruit Training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot MCRD Parris Island. Our website map breaks it down into articles for you.
1st Aeronautical Company Arrives at Ponta Delgada, Azores
January 21, 1918, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/21/2025
On January 21, 1918, the 1st Aeronautical Company arrived at Ponta Delgada, Azores, for anti-submarine duty. The unit was one of the first completely equipped American aviation units to serve overseas in World War I.
22nd Anniversary: January 21, 2025
Supporting Marines and Their Family Members
Published on 1/21/2025
Were you here 22 years ago when MarineParents.com first started? Do you remember when the website looked like this? Take a trip back in time with us.
On January 21, 2003, Tracy Della Vecchia registered the domain name MarineMoms.us. She had started a website to help families stay in touch with and learn from one another when their Marine sons and daughters deployed to combat in Iraq. Twenty-two years later, she's still working hard and typing as fast as the first NPR radio interview from April 2003. See link.
*The organization later adopted Marine Parents as their name when fathers indicated they also worried about their Marine in combat and wanted to participate.
A place to connect & share is a registered trademark of the United States Marine Corps. Used with permission.
Support for Recruit Parents
How we help support you in this journey.
Published on 1/21/2025
When parents learn that their son or daughter has enlisted, or is contemplating enlisting, in the Marine Corps, they may go into "This can't be happening" mode - particularly those with little or no military familiarity. An infinite number of questions may immediately arise, and sometimes there are no answers.
Combat Marksmanship
SOI: Marines will undergo combat marksmanship training
Published on 1/20/2025
The Marine Corps' primary mission is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver, as well as to repel an assault by fire and close combat during amphibious assaults and subsequent operations ashore. Combat-ready Marines must be skilled in tactics and highly proficient in firearms.
Second Battle of Khe Sanh
January 20, 1968, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/20/2025
On January 20, 1968, the second battle for Khe Sanh began outside the village of the same name in the Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, 14 miles south of the DMZ and six miles east of the Laotian border, when the People's Army of North Vietnam (PAVN) launched a massive artillery bombardment on the U.S. Marine garrison. For the next 77 days, until April 6, the Marines and their South Vietnamese allies, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), fought off the siege in what was the longest, and one of the bloodiest, battles in the war.
Boot Camp Survival Tips for Parents
If you read nothing else, read this article.
Published on 1/20/2025
We want to share these boot camp survival tips with you. If you read nothing else about MCRD, read this. Indeed, they include four "DO NOT" rules, but this is the Marine Corps and they have rules. You'll be glad you know them.
The United States Military Code of Conduct
Learn about the U.S. Military Code of Conduct at Marine Parents
Published on 1/19/2025
All service members receive training in the U.S. military's Code of Conduct at various times in their careers.
The Code of Conduct, which was introduced by President Eisenhower in 1955, is based on time-honored concepts and traditions dating back to the American Revolution.
The six articles outline the obligations and responsibilities of U.S. service members in harm's way.
Knowledge is Power!
Visit Marine Parents to Learn about the Corps
Published on 1/19/2025
Your recruit or Marine is likely in this profession for at least 4 years. It can be scary when you don't understand what's happening during each career stage of your Marine's journey. Visit the Marine Parents website to learn more about the Corps. We've got over 20 years of experience explaining things in civilian terms. Take a spin through the knowledge today!
The Recruiters
Are They Your Resource for Questions?
Published on 1/19/2025
As the parents and/or family of a Marine Corps applicant or recruit, you likely have many questions. You may or may not find your son or daughter's recruiter to help answer your questions. Bear in mind your son or daughter's recruiter has a mission to accomplish and the recruiter's duties are to the Marine Corps and the applicants. Don't fret; there are plenty of other avenues to find the answers you're looking for.
Marines Begin Operations Against Guerrillas in Korea
January 18, 1951, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/18/2025
On January 18, 1951, Marines with the 1st Division began operations against guerrillas near Pohang, South Korea, following the Division's return from its monumental battle with Chinese Communist forces at the Chosin Reservoir.
The Marine Parents Website
22 Years of Information in Civilian Terms
Published on 1/18/2025
We've been helping Marine Corps family members navigate the Marine Corps for 20 years. We're your trusted source for information in civilian terms. For help navigating our website, use this map of pages on Marine Parents: a Place to Connect & Share®.
The Crucible During Recruit Training
The Crucible is a test every recruit must go through to become a Marine.
Published on 1/18/2025
The Crucible is a test every recruit must go through to become a Marine. It tests every recruit physically, mentally, and morally and is the defining experience of recruit training. The Crucible takes place over 54 hours and includes food, sleep deprivation, and over 45 miles of marching. The Crucible event pits teams of recruits against a barrage of day and night events requiring every recruit to work together to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and help each other along the way.
Congratulations to Danielle Truesdell, our newest Volunteer!
Danielle completed 40+ hours of training and mentoring!
Published on 1/18/2025
CONGRATULATIONS to Danielle Truesdell, who recently completed 40+ hours of training to become one of our newest volunteers for the official MarineParents.com Facebook Groups in support of our Marine Corps family members and a place to connect and share®!
3 Reasons to Shop at the EGA Shop
Official Marine Corps Licenses, Nonprofit, Great Products!
Published on 1/17/2025
- We are an official trademark licensee of the United States Marine Corps. Royalty fees support Marine Corps morale programs on posts around the world.
- As a nonprofit corporation, 100% of the proceeds support our outreach programs.
- We have great products and designs for every member of your family!
Navigating the VA Healthcare System
We're here to help you navigate the VA healthcare system.
Published on 1/17/2025
Enrolling for health benefits through the VA is typically a very time-consuming and confusing process. We would recommend that you speak with someone who has already gone through the process, or with a patient service representative (PSR) at the VA before beginning the enrollment process. Remember, you are not alone in this process and there is always some sort of assistance to be provided if you are lost. The paperwork is time-consuming, and you will need your DD214 along with additional documents to verify your eligibility.
Protein Bars in Boot Camp
Written by a Marine who served USMC '08-'12
Published on 1/17/2025
Protein bars. Delicious and filling, a deviation from the usual and bland Marine Corps boot camp diet. It's no wonder they are the most requested item from recruits. But should you be sending them?
Here's a reasonable answer: We discourage sending anything to your recruit in boot camp other than cards and letters. If your recruit asks you to send something i.e. protein bars, then that's between you and your recruit.
Operation Desert Storm Begins
January 16, 1991, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/16/2025
On January 16, 1991, Operation Desert Shield became Operation Desert Storm as allied coalition forces launched an all-out attack air campaign against targets in Iraq and occupied Kuwait in an effort to liberate Kuwait and enforce the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. During the course of Operation Desert Storm, coalition forces included more than 415,000 American troops.
Newsletter Sign Up
Stay in-the-know with our daily information newsletters as well as EGA Shop Promotions.
Published on 1/16/2025
Sign up to receive the MarineParents.com newsletter delivered once daily to your email. You'll learn about the Marine Corps and read articles on boot camp and the Marine Corps. You'll also receive coupons and specials to the EGA Shop for Marine Shirts, garden flags, and graduation gifts.
To the great folks at MarineParents.com, thanks for your web page and newsletter. We don't hear from our Marine often, so it makes us feel closer to him when we go to your site. Heartfelt Thanks!
Professional Photos and Videos
Taken of Recruits During Boot Camp
Published on 1/16/2025
During boot camp, recruits will have their photos taken with their platoon as well as individually in the "dress blues" uniform. A video of graduation will also be produced, and that video will include footage from each battalion. Both Parris Island and San Diego offer these services. Your recruit will be given an opportunity to purchase the photos as well as the video.
Knowledge is Power
Published on 1/15/2025
What comes next after boot camp? Your new Marine will go to SOI. Click to learn more about SOI and ITB. MCT and ITB are both part of SOI East and SOI West. Which will your Marine attend? What will they do? Do families attend graduations? Learn More.
Marine Units Returning Stateside
Published on 1/15/2025
Retrograde is the return of deployed Marines, better known as homecoming for our Marine parents, spouses, family, and friends. Homecomings include return from MEUs/floats and in-country deployments (overseas stations).
Preparing for Boot Camp
For your Poolee and for YOU!
Published on 1/15/2025
Are you a seasoned Marine Parent our just starting the journey? This is great information for you to know as you meet other family members who are new to the Corps. You can help them prepare starting in the Poolee stage.
As a poolee, your son or daughter is preparing for boot camp, and the recruiters are preparing the poolees physically, intellectually, and emotionally. They have probably heard from other new Marines who have come back to the recruiter's office and shared their experience from boot camp. The recruiters are preparing the poolees the best way they can.
What about you...who has prepared you?
Bulldogs in the Marine Corps
We've added a few photos of Marine Corps mascot bulldogs
Published on 1/14/2025
Photos are worth a thousand words and who doesn't love seeing photos of mascot bulldogs? Ooh Rah!
Join an Official Marine Parents Facebook Group
Make sure you get the most accurate information! Join OUR groups.
Published on 1/14/2025
If you are on Facebook, make sure you're in at least ONE of our OFFICIAL Marine Parents Facebook groups. With 21 years of experience offering recruit and Marine families a place to connect and share, we're your trusted source in social media!
Consejos para padres
Leer en Español
Published on 1/14/2025
Queremos compartir contigo estos consejos de supervivencia en el campo de entrenamiento. Si no lees nada más sobre MCRD, lee esto. De hecho, incluyen cuatro reglas de "NO HACER", pero este es el Cuerpo de Marines y tienen reglas. Te alegrará conocerlos.
Permanent Duty Stations (PDS)
Do you know what a Permanent Duty Station is?
Published on 1/13/2025
When formal training (boot camp, School of Infantry, and military occupational schooling) is complete, each Marine is assigned to a Permanent Duty Station (PDS).
Your Marine may be stationed at any number of permanent duty stations around the world, depending on his or her Military Occupational Specialty (the job that your Marine will do while in the Corps).
Structure of the Marine Corps
Learn More About the Corps in Civilian Terms
Published on 1/13/2025
The USMC is organized with two parallel chains of command, service and operational. The Service chain begins with the President, through the Secretary of Defense, and continues through the Secretary of the Navy and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. The operational chain runs from the President, through the Secretary of Defense, directly to commanders of combatant commands for missions and forces assigned to their commands.
Marine Corps Boot Camp Training Weeks
Here is a summary of the training weeks at boot camp.
Published on 1/13/2025
Our new Matrices have arrived! The Marine Corps changed their recruit training matrix in 2022 and we've finally our posters updated and in our store. See the link below if you need to get a new matrix.
Along with the matrices, our website contains a summary of each training week at Marine Corps boot camp. Our information comes from the official MCRD Parris Island and San Diego websites. The schedules for San Diego and Parris Island are different so be sure to select the correct tab on our page.
10 Rules for Posting
Useful for all Social Media Platforms
Published on 1/12/2025
Our ten rules for posting in our Facebook groups have been around for a long time; nearly 20 years. They're tried and true. We firmly believe that our 10 posting rules help to keep our military safe and help to keep you and your Marine's personal information safe. We hope you'll follow our rules in all social media platforms your participate in!
Western Inn San Diego Hotel
For Boot Camp Graduations
Published on 1/12/2025
The staff at Western Inn are here to serve you during your recruit's graduation from Marine Corps boot camp. We offer a special rate for Marine family members; please mention MarineParents.com when making your reservations. We are a 5 minute drive (1/2 mile) to MCRD and a 5 minute walk to the Old Town Trolley station.
Learning About the Red Cross
How they help family members during an emergency
Published on 1/12/2025
If you have a family emergency during your Marine's deployment or while your recruit is at boot camp, and feel you need to contact the recruit/Marine, your best course of action is to contact the American Red Cross. Please be aware that contact from the Red Cross will alert your Marine to a serious condition at home. The Red Cross has guidelines they must follow for qualifying emergency notification to your Marine.
The Official Marine Parents Facebook Group
Join us today to meet other Marine Parents!
Published on 1/11/2025
Marine Parents has official Facebook Groups for every stage of your Marine's career in the Corps. Everyone can join our primary group! Hook up with us today and join this amazing group of Marine Parents and family members!
MAG-24 Arrives in Philippines
January 11, 1945, in Marine Corps history.
Published on 1/11/2025
On January 11, 1945, the first elements of Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 24, commanded by Colonel Lyle H. Meyer, arrived at Lingayen, Luzon in the Philippines to provide air support for US Army forces. Over the following three months, MAG-24, along with MAG-32, flew a combined 8,842 combat sorties and dropped more than 19,000 bombs as part of the Fifth Air Force in support of the Sixth Army.
Travel Assistance is Available
Do you need financial help to attend boot camp graduation?
Published on 1/11/2025
If you need help with finances to attend your recruit's graduation from boot camp, we're here for you. While we can't pay the full cost, we hope you'll apply for assistance if you have a financial need.
Attending the graduation ceremony for your newly-minted Marine is an experience every soon-to-be Marine parent would like to experience. However, some families cannot afford to attend their recruit's graduation. For each boot camp graduation cycle, we raise money to fund our Travel Assistance program. Funds are used to reimburse a recruit's family members who meet our financial need requirements.
Marines Deployed to Somalia
January 10, 1995 in Marine Corps History
Published on 1/10/2025
On January 10, 1995, the Pentagon announced that 2,600 U.S. Marines would be deployed to Somalia for Operation United Shield to assist the final United Nations peacekeeping troops to withdraw from the country. The decision came in response to the UN's request for American protection of its peacekeeping troops serving in Somalia.
*Image info: Official logo for Operation United Shield (released)
How to Become an Officer in the Marine Corps
Learn the different ways to become a Marine Corps Officer.
Published on 1/10/2025
There are a few different paths to becoming a Marine Corps officer. One path is to attend a 4-year college/National Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC). They can attend the U.S. Naval Academy, or they can go from an enlisted Marine to an officer. If you are looking for a Place to Connect and Share® with others who have loved ones in OCS or TBS, you'll want to join our Facebook group. You must answer all three questions to be accepted into the group.
MCRD Support Battalion is not RTBN
More Acronyms: STC, MRP, PCP, EHP
Published on 1/10/2025
MCRD San Diego and Parris Island have a Support Battalion that functions in several capacities for each Depot. Included in the companies for this battalion is the Special Training Company (STC), which is the company recruits are assigned to should they need to be removed from the standard Recruit Training Battalion (RTBN). Taking these actions could happen for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to recruits who need medical rehabilitation (MRP), physical conditioning PCP), and evaluation (EHP).
Medical Care and Emergencies
Injury, Illness, or Incident of Your Marine or Recruit
Published on 1/9/2025
Important to know BEFORE you need it! Your recruit or Marine may become ill, incur an injury, or be affected by some type of incident during his/her career in the Corps. Know that this may happen and that your loved one may not be the person making the phone call to inform you.
United We Stand: We Need Your Help
Please support the organization that supports you
Published on 1/9/2025
Please donate today to support the organization that supports you during your Marine's career.
Your donation finances the dissemination of information to educate families about the Marine Corps, casework disaster relief for Marines and their families, and building communities for family members to have a place to connect and share® before, during, and after their loved one's service in the Marine Corps, and monetary assistance to Marine Corps family members who would otherwise be unable to attend boot camp graduation.
MarineParents.com, Inc., was founded nationally on January 21, 2003, to provide support, information, and services to Marines and their family members and create opportunities for the public to support our troops through outreach programs.
Marine Corps Boot Camp Structure
Training Battalions, Companies, and Platoons
Published on 1/9/2025
There are two facilities for Marine recruit training. Marine Corps Recruit Depots (MCRDs) are located in San Diego, California, and Parris Island, South Carolina. Their acronyms are MCRDSD and MCRDPI, respectively.
MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Monica, Attend Graduation
Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
Published on 1/8/2025
On Friday, December 20, 2024, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Monica, the Mother of a recruit, to San Diego for the recruit's graduation from Fox Company to become a Marine.
Thank you so much, Marine Parents. God bless all who helped make a dream come true. I will always remember. Thank you! Monica, New Marine Mom
Combat Hunter Course
Learn about the Combat Hunter Course that Marines go through at SOI.
Published on 1/8/2025
In the Marine Corps, "Combat Hunter" is more than just a title, it's a mindset. It's a challenge for Marines to be more intuitive and more aware of their surroundings. The "Combat Hunter" course is designed to teach Marines how to track targets, friendly or enemy, by noticing differences in the environment around them.
Marines are taught three main skills throughout the Combat Hunter course: tracking, observation, and profiling. These skills are the foundation of the program and teach Marines to be aware of dangers at all times. The observation and pattern analysis skills inherent to hunting help Marines identify a threat, reduce the risk of casualties, and increase their chances of survival. Marines learn to balance movement with stealth and speed. They are taught to take into consideration how they could be viewed by a target on a potential landscape and to take advantage of concealment when possible.
OPSEC in Boot Camp
Is it REALLY Necessary NOW?
Published on 1/8/2025
What's critical is that you are aware of what OPSEC is. You can protect your loved ones by protecting the information that you know. This is known in the military as "Operations Security" or OPSEC.
In this series of articles on "Becoming a Marine Parent", we've talked a little bit about privacy and respect, noting that both are important concepts to learn as the parent of a recruit. As your recruit nears graduation, the concept of Operations Security becomes just as important to understand.
Marine Corps Pay and Allowances
Information regarding your Marine's pay
Published on 1/7/2025
There are many components to Military Pay. There is basic pay, special pay, incentives, allowances, and sometimes retirement pay, for those that serve long enough. This page on our website explains the differences in the pay your Marine may receive during their career in the Marine Corps. We include several links for those who may want to dig deeper into the topic.
TAPS/TAMP - Transition Assistance Programs
Learn about the process Marines go through as they transition out of the Marine Corps.
Published on 1/7/2025
Before your Marine's end of active service (EAS) date, he or she will be required to go through a series of classes, discharge medical checks, terminal leave documents, separation documents, check out sheets, and more. These will assist your Marine during the process of ending their active service and after their separation from the Marine Corps.
Letters Sent Home from Recruits
What to Expect, When to Expect, How it All Works
Published on 1/7/2025
You may be a lucky parent and receive a lot of mail from your recruit. Many are not so lucky, as recruits are very busy during boot camp and will likely be using every spare moment to study and get caught up on work related to becoming a Marine. Recruits are given time to write, but it is up to each individual recruit to choose what he or she needs to do during that free time.
MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Abigail, Attend Graduation
Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
Published on 1/7/2025
On Friday, December 20, 2024, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Abigail, the Mother of a recruit, to San Diego for the recruit's graduation from Fox Company to become a Marine.
The travel assistance meant I did not have to worry about paying my electric bill when I returned and used the money for gas. It meant we could watch my daughter experience one of the best moments of her life! We are so very proud of her! Thank you so much for helping us get to see her graduate! The assistance helped ease my stress and fears of not being able to make it to her graduation. I am so happy to see her accomplish what only a few could! We are beyond proud of her and all of FOX Company! Again, thank you so much from my family! Abigail, New Marine Mom
Deployment: Embassies
Learn about the force that provides security for United States embassies around the world.
Published on 1/6/2025
One of the most visible functions of the United States Marine Corps is the Marine Special Duty Detail. This is the force that provides Embassy security duty for United States Facilities around the world.
Communicating a Family Emergency to Your Deployed Marine
Notifying your Marine of an emergency is best done through the American Red Cross.
Published on 1/6/2025
Things are different in the military. If your family has an emergency, how do you let your recruit or deployed Marine know about it? While we all hope that we don't need to know, it's better to be prepared and understand the next steps for notifying your loved one who is serving our country. This article is an essential read to gain that understanding no matter where your recruit or Marine are in their journey.
If you have a family emergency during your Marine's deployment and feel you need to contact the Marine, your best action is to contact the American Red Cross. Please be aware that contact from the Red Cross will alert your Marine to a serious condition at home. The Red Cross has guidelines they must follow for qualifying emergency notification to your Marine. The Red Cross can be contacted for birth announcements of a Marine's new baby.
Becoming a Marine Parent
A 13-Week Journey for You, Too.
Published on 1/6/2025
Your loved ones have enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and now YOUR journey begins as well. As they get ready to leave for boot camp they are busy preparing for their career as one of "The Few, The Proud." One of the most important steps for loved ones at home is already completed! You have joined Recruit Parents and are well on your way to becoming informed, educated and supported by others experiencing the same emotions.
Deployment Pages on Marine Parents
About Deployment, OPSEC, Emergencies, and Support
Published on 1/5/2025
Got a deployment looming? In the middle of deployment? It happens and Marines love it, but their family members, not so much. Remember, information is power. Here's what you need to know to lessen the bumps in the road.
I had two sons and a daughter-in-law deployed at the same time: two soldiers and one Marine. This website was my go-to every single morning. It was my saving grace. I never did find an Army site like this one, but you helped me through that, as well. Thank you.—Jackie, Marine Mom in Missouri, 2006
Marine Corps Challenge Coins
Do you know about the tradition of carrying the challenge coin?
Published on 1/5/2025
Among the Marine Corps' many traditions is the carrying of the challenge coin, and it is rooted in history dating back to World War I.
Today, service members possess many medallions, or challenge coins, bearing their organization's insignia. These coins are often presented by high-ranking officers for a job well done, which is a great honor. They are also sometimes traded between men and women in a unit.
Weather Emergencies & Boot Camp
Natural Disasters During Recruit Training
Published on 1/5/2025
Any area of the country is subject to natural disasters. The Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) at Parris Island is subject to hurricanes. The Marine Corps Recruit Depot at San Diego, as well as other bases in the San Diego-area, are subject to fires. Being informed and understanding how the Marine Corps handles a natural disaster will help you feel confident that your son or daughter will be safe during boot camp, regardless of environmental factors.
Knowledge is Power!
Learn more about what's after boot camp!
Published on 1/4/2025
Everything you need to know about what comes after Marine Corps Boot Camp Recruit Training. What's the next phase of training for your newly minted Marine? Our website map for "What's After Boot" breaks it down into articles for you.
The Commandant and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
Learn about the highest-ranking officer and enlisted Marine in the Marine Corps.
Published on 1/4/2025
The Commandant of the Marine Corps commands the United States Marine Corps and is the senior officer of the United States Marine Corps. The Commandant is not necessarily the highest-ranking officer in the Marine Corps, but holding the position of Commandant makes him senior to all other officers regardless of rank.
The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps is selected by the Commandant of the Marine Corps and serves as the senior enlisted advisor to the Commandant. The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps is revered as the most outstanding, unparalleled enlisted Marine.
Marine Corps Boot Camp Terminology and Acronyms
Learn some of the earliest terminology your recruit is taught during boot camp.
Published on 1/4/2025
There are literally thousands of acronyms in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and all branches of the military and there are hundreds of new terms to learn. This reference is a starting point for recruit families—those that are most important to learn during recruit training. After graduation, there are additional resources with more terminology on the primary website for MarineParents.com. But these are the most important to learn at this time.
Red Friday: Our Historical Participation
Written by Tracy Della Vecchia, Our Founder
Published on 1/3/2025
Are you wearing red today? There are many variances of how "Red Friday" got started in the United States. While I can't state whether or not those accounts are accurate, I can share how we adopted the phrase as an organization to promote wearing red on Fridays.
MCRD San Diego Graduations
A Great Hotel 2 Miles from MCRD!
Published on 1/3/2025
Town and Country Resort, located in San Diego’s Mission Valley neighborhood, is just 2 miles to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot and offers a comfortable and fun option for military families. Recently renovated with an authentic mid-century modern design and a friendly Southern California vibe, the resort is an ideal home base for a San Diego stay.
The resort offers a comfortable guestroom, 3 pools, a 4-story waterslide named “Twister,” 5 restaurants and bars, a penthouse fitness center with Peloton bikes, and 19 fire pits. It is pet and family-friendly with a 3-acre attached park and a host of family activities. The resort is within walking distance of Fashion Valley Mall and provides easy access to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, beaches, and area attractions.
Making Reservations
Special rates for military families are available when you book using the RESERVE link:
Your Recruit is a Recruit, Not a Marine
What it means to say the title is earned, never given
Published on 1/3/2025
This page of our website includes several great articles to read during the first week your recruit is in boot camp. In the Marine Corps, a recruit must earn the title of United States Marine. A recruit is not a Marine when they enlist. A recruit is not a Marine when they step on the yellow footprints.
CACO Terminology
Casualty Terminology During Deployment
Published on 1/2/2025
A casualty is a member of the military unable to fulfill their duties due to death or incapacitation by injury or illness. For families of our military, the term "casualty" conjures up images of destruction and death. It's a tough term to grapple with when you've got a Marine deployed or soon to be deploying.
However, knowledge is power, and we firmly believe that educated families are better able to handle the rollercoaster of deployment emotions. So, let's dig into some terminology and procedures.
IRR Obligations and Requirements
Learn about the requirements for the Individual Ready Reserve.
Published on 1/2/2025
All Marines are required to go through the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) after their initial active-service comes to an end, unless he or she chooses to reenlist.
A Marine who wishes to remain in the IRR must be in good standing and continue to uphold the traditions of honorable service. Additionally, that Marine must accrue a minimum of 50 Reserve Retirement Credit Points during their Anniversary Year* (failure to do so can lead to denial of reenlistments/extensions for enlisted Marines and discharge for both officers and enlisted Marines).
Addressing Letters to Recruits
Be sure to properly address letters to your recruit so they arrive as quickly as possible.
Published on 1/2/2025
During the first two weeks of recruit training, recruits will send home a letter stating they've made it to MCRD and will provide an address for which to receive mail.
All mail is routed through the only mail office on the depot. Your mail will not reach your recruit without the correct COMPANY AND PLATOON NUMBER. The mail office will see that information and sort the mail to that company and platoon. The company and platoon information will be listed on the letter your recruit sends home about 2 - 3 weeks into training.
Individual Ready Reserve Information
For many Marines, the end of active-duty is not the end of their Marine Corps career.
Published on 1/1/2025
All Marines are required to go through the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) after their initial active service comes to an end unless he or she chooses to reenlist. If a recruit enlists prior to the required age of enlistment, he or she would be placed in the Delayed Entry Program. The benefit of the Delayed Entry Program is that it counts towards the time spent in the IRR after separation from the service. So, if your Marine was in delayed entry for one year, he or she would only be in the IRR for 3 years after separation.
Structure of a Marine Corps Regiment
Learn how a Marine Corps Regiment is structured from top to bottom.
Published on 1/1/2025
The United States Marine Corps is a unique branch of the US military and is organized as part of the Department of the Navy. With over 241 years of warfighting experience and distinct prestige, the Marine Corps has mastered the art of military structure.
Corps Respect: A Family Value
What is it all about? What do Marines call it?
Published on 1/1/2025
By now you've likely heard some new terminologies from your recruit or through reading information about the Marine Corps. While trying to get yourself wrapped around the meanings of some of these new terms, you may be seeing the same theme throughout, but you've not really been successful at labeling that term.
Can You Help Us?
Volunteer Print Graphic Design Needed
Published on 12/31/2024
We have an immediate need for a print graphic designer to work with the executive director and several key volunteers to develop a new printed Marine Corps Recruit Training Matrix. We no longer employ graphic designers in house.
This is a volunteer position. The work would require between 20-30 hours of design work using Adobe InDesign to prepare a 2-sided print-ready 11x17 training matrix. The skill base required would be highly proficient in Adobe InDesign with the ability to prepare documents to be published at a commercial printer.
Can you help us or do you know someone who can? Please forward this message to people you may know that could help.
If you are interested, we ask that you complete a Google Form which goes directly to Tracy Della Vecchia, the founder and executive director of the organization. The link follows.
Wisdom Teeth
If necessary, boot camp is the best time to have wisdom teeth removed.
Published on 12/31/2024
The Marine Corps has made it a common practice to remove wisdom teeth during boot camp. While every situation is different, the reasons are usually the same.
MarineParents.com Founder and executive director, Tracy Della Vecchia, has told a story of her son, Derrick, getting his wisdom teeth removed while he was in the Marine Corps. Only, Derrick's wisdom teeth weren't removed during boot camp. His unit was in Japan conducting training when his were removed. Soon after, the unit got the call that they were going to Iraq. Derrick sat on the plane with bloody rags in his mouth and spent his first few days in combat healing. There are many stories out there just like this one. So if your recruit has to get their wisdom teeth removed in boot camp, be thankful; it's much better than on deployment.
What's After Boot™ FAQ
Got questions? We've got answers!
Published on 12/30/2024
This is our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for recruit and Marine parents to understand what happens AFTER boot camp. More schooling! Yep, there you have the short answer. But you've likely got more questions, so tune in to this page to learn more!
Sole Surviving Son
Learn the history of Sole Surviving Son during war and peacetime.
Published on 12/30/2024
Contrary to popular belief, "only sons," "the last son to carry the family name," and "sole surviving sons" must register and they can be drafted. However, they may be entitled to a peacetime deferment if there is a military death in the immediate family.
School of Infantry: Camp Geiger
Basic info about SOI East + Grad Date Schedule
Published on 12/29/2024
Camp Geiger, North Carolina, is one of two School of Infantry (SOI) locations where newly-minted Marines will be instructed on modern Marine Corps infantry tactics in order to conduct expeditionary combat operations. Camp Geiger is a satellite facility of Camp Lejeune and is located in eastern North Carolina, approximately 250 miles east of Charlotte, NC and 50 miles north of Wilmington, NC.
Boot Camp: New for You or Memories?
Firing Week and Qualification Day During Boot Camp
Published on 12/29/2024
During Firing Week, the second week of marksmanship training, recruits begin before sunrise, preparing their rifles and themselves to shoot the known-distance course of fire.
Recruits prepare for rifle qualification day by firing rounds of both slow fire (one shot at a time) and rapid-fire (10 shots in a row). Recruits fire from four shooting positions at ranges of 200, 300, and 500 yards.
Marine Corps Physical Fitness
Learn about the physical fitness standards that allow Marines to perform so well in combat.
Published on 12/28/2024
When asked what your son or daughter is doing these days, you may have noticed a very impressed reaction when you tell whoever asked that he/she is a United States Marine. Undoubtedly, this is due to the illustrious history of the Corps, the rigorous 13-week boot camp, and the expectation that the Marines are in optimal shape. But what is the Marine Corps' secret to this standard of excellence? It has to do with the emphasis that individual Marines and the Corps place on physical conditioning.
Tradition of the Yellow Footprints
Excerpt from an April, 2009 Marine Corps Article
Published on 12/28/2024
4/10/2009 by Lance Corporal Ed G., MCRDPI.
As the air brakes hiss, hearts beat faster, palms sweat, breaths become shorter and a bus of hopeful recruits are unified by the fear of the unknown.
These are the experiences of so many recruits who have passed through Parris Island's main gate.
History of the Marine Corps from Marine Parents
A Learning Opportunity for Proud Marine Parents
Published on 12/27/2024
This page of our website includes an overview of Marine Corps history, something every proud parent of a Marine should be familiar with. This is your learning opportunity! You can check it out on our website.
Types of Deployment
Learn the different types of deployments for Marines.
Published on 12/27/2024
Marines are always the first to fight, but combat deployments are not the only deployments that your Marine could be a part of. The deployment section of our website goes over each deployment type to prepare you and your Marine for what could be ahead.
Knowledge is Power!
Learn more at Recruit Parents
Published on 12/27/2024
Everything you need to know about Marine Corps Boot Camp Recruit Training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot MCRD Parris Island. Our website map breaks it down into articles for you.
Official Links to SOI Websites and Resources
Use these official links for useful resources at SOI East and West.
Published on 12/26/2024
The websites on this page are official USMC websites and offer additional information on the topic of the School of Infantry (SOI) in the "What's After Boot?" category.
WAB: What Comes After Boot Camp?
Published on 12/25/2024
What happens when your Marine graduates and leaves the Marine Corps Recruit Depot? Where does your new Marine go next? What's After Boot?
To that end, every Marine goes on to additional weapons training at the at School of Infantry (SOI) following boot camp graduation. Your Marine will have specific written orders before departure from the Recruit Depot.
Mail and Packages During Boot Camp
You may begin writing to your recruit as soon as you receive his/her address.
Published on 12/25/2024
Though your recruit may move from one location to another during boot camp, you will always use the same mailing address for him or her.
The first letter you receive from your recruit will be a form letter. This letter should arrive in your mailbox approximately 10-14 days after they leave. The form letter should include your recruit's mailing address.
Licencia de 10 Días
Después de la Graduación de Boot Camp
Published on 12/24/2024
La siguiente fase de entrenamiento después del campamento de reclutamiento es SOI, o Escuela de Infantería. Su nuevo Marine tiene derecho a diez días de licencia después de reclutamiento. Su nuevo Marine puede reportarse a SOI antes de tiempo para guardar la licencia si lo desea.
If you're in the San Diego area: MUST SEE
Marine Corps Recruit Depot Command Museum
Published on 12/23/2024
If you're in the San Diego area, stop in to the museum at the Recruit Depot. If you're going to graduation, your newly-minted Marine will most likely insist on it. They are proud of their history and want to share that with you. Our website offers additional information about the museum along with a slide show of images. Check it out!
Marine Parents Donation
Your Gift Supports Families Through the Corps
Published on 12/19/2024
For over 20 years, we've been serving the Marine Corps community and helping family members new to the Corps and military understand and follow their recruit or Marine's career. We help thousands of people like you feel closer to their Marine by providing accurate information and support throughout their careers. Your donation helps us continue our mission of supporting and educating Marine Family members. Click the image to donate.
Over 93% of our income goes to program use, with 100% of donations supporting outreach services. We've been supporting warriors and their family members since 2003 as an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public charity eligible to receive tax-deductible donations. Receipts are sent via email or US Mail for all donations.
Sgt Major Brad Kasal, Legendary Marine
34 Years in the Marine Corps and the Finest Leadership
Published on 11/14/2024
Sergeant Major Bradley Kasal is one of the most legendary Marines in Marine Corps history. While he is most well-known for the iconic photograph of him being helped from a building in Fallujah, Iraq by two of his Marines, he is equally well-known by Marines for his leadership and courage.
US Dept of Navy and Marine Corps
Learn the structure of the Navy and Marine Corps
Published on 10/30/2024
It's a question often asked by new Marine and Navy parents, what is the relationship between the Navy and the Marine Corps? The Navy provides support to the Marines through Navy Docs, Chaplains, and Transportation by ship, among other things. This page on our website looks at the U.S. Navy and the Marine Corps organization.