USS Iwo Jima Decommissioned

USS Iwo Jima Decommissioned

July 14, 1993, in Marine Corps history.

On July 14, 1993, the USS Iwo Jima was decommissioned after over 30 years of service in a ceremony at Norfolk Naval Base, Virginia. The ship, named for the World War II battle in which three Marine divisions defeated 20,000 Japanese troops, was commissioned on August 26, 1961, and it was the first ship specifically designed as an amphibious assault ship from the keel up.

Sale on Marine Corps T-Shirts at the EGA Shop

Proud EGA - PERSONALIZED family affiliation on the front!


Proud Nana, Proud Grampy, Proud Bonus Mom, Proud Pops: YOU enter the family affiliation you want! Then add a second line (if you want)! The design features the word PROUD with the Marine Corps Eagle Globe and Anchor (EGA) as the O. Then YOU add up to 2 lines of text below. For the first line, we suggest Marine _____, where the blank is your family affiliation. Stop there, or add a second line if you'd like. The second line can be your Marine's name or perhaps something like "He's My Hero!" The back is blank. This design is intentionally muted on darker color T-shirts.

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