Link to MarineParents.com
Thanks for helping to spread the word about MarineParents.com: a Place to Connect & Share®! We offer you four ways to link to us with different buttons, banners, and logos. Choose your favorite, then simply copy and paste the code into your web site. No need to download the graphics.
If you would like a reciprocal link, please complete a request form on the "Contact Us" page.
1: To create this link, 444x190 image:

Copy and paste this code into your html file:
<!--Start Code for Link to MarineParents.com-->
<br><a href='https://MarineParents.com' target='_blank'><img src='https://MarineParents.com/common/web/mp/contact/share-mp-444x190.jpg' width='444' height='190' border='0' alt='Visit MarineParents.com, a Place to Connect & Share ®'> <!-- End Code for Link to MarineParents.com--> |
2: To create this link, 468x60 banner:

Copy and paste this code into your html file:
<!--Start Code for Link to MarineParents.com-->
<br><a href='https://MarineParents.com' target='_blank'><img src='https://MarineParents.com/common/web/mp/contact/share-mp-468x60.jpg' width='468' height='60' border='0' alt='Visit MarineParents.com, a Place to Connect & Share®'> <!-- End Code for Link to www.MarineParents.com--> |
3: To create this link, 420x45 banner with text:
A comprehensive web site for Marine Corps families & supporters:
![]() Click here to visit MarineParents.com |
Copy and paste this code into your html file:
<!--Start Code for Link to MarineParents.com-->
<table width='430' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'> <tr> <td align='center'><font face='arial' size='2' color='#990000'> A comprehensive web site for Marine Corps families & supporters: <br><a href='https://MarineParents.com' target='_blank'><img src='https://MarineParents.com/common/web/mp/contact/share-mp-420x45.jpg' width='420' height='45' border='0' alt='Visit www.MarineParents.com'> <br>Click here to visit www.MarineParents.com</a> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- End Code for Link to www.MarineParents.com--> |
4: To create this link, 125x125 button:

Copy and paste this code into your html file:
<!--Start Code for Link to MarineParents.com-->
<br><a href='https://MarineParents.com' target='_blank'><img src='https://MarineParents.com/common/web/mp/contact/share-mp-125x125.jpg' width='125' height='125' border='0' alt='Visit MarineParents.com, a Place to Connect & Share®'> <!-- End Code for Link to MarineParents.com--> |