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Official MarineParents.com Fleet Groups
Groups for Marine Corps family members with Marines stationed in certain locations.
WEST-COAST PDS (Permanent Duty Stations)
(Includes many 1st Marine Division Units)
MCB Camp Pendleton MCAGCC Twentynine Palms MC Training at Bridgeport MCAS Miramar MCAS Yuma MCAS Camp Pendleton
EAST-COAST PDS (Permanent Duty Stations)
(Includes many 2nd Marine Division Units)
MCB Quantico 8th and I MCB Camp LeJeune & MCAS New River MCAS Cherry Point MCAS Beaufort
PDS PACIFIC (Permanent Duty Stations)
(Includes many 3rd Marine Division Units)
4th Marine Division
(typically Reserve Units with Stateside Base Locations)