Meaning of the MarineParents.com Logo
Since we discuss the meaning of the Marine Corps logo, the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on our website, we thought it would be nice to give an explanation of what the MarineParents.com logo means as well.
Our logo resembles the infinity symbol, which represents how MarineParents.com is there for you for a lifetime, no matter where you or your loved one(s) are in the Marine Corps Career.
The logo is an image of three people connected to one another, showing that MarineParents.com provides a Place to Connect & Share® for military families. For some, those connections are not only physical embraces of caring, but also a representation of the infinite number of relationships being created by Marine Corps families. Many of the connections are made in a virtual world—through our Official MarineParents.com Facebook Groups—the relationships forged with one another are very real, just as the support of our outreach programs is very real.
With the addition of our Community Relations volunteers in 2019, we now have opportunities to provide a place to connect & share® in brick-and-mortar locations.
The logo has three people in it to represent the three stages where MarineParents.com provides support and information:
Before the Corps:
Provides support, information, and services to poolee and recruit family members while their loved one is in boot camp (and quarantine during 2020-2021) and provides exhibit materials during spring poolee events. -
During the Corps:
- Provides an OPSEC-compliant Place to Connect & Share® Marine family members that is guided by trained volunteer moderators.
- Provides support, information, and services to Marine family members during their new Marine's School of Infantry (SOI) and Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) schooling.
- Provides information about Permanent Duty Stations in our Unit Information Database and answer questions about deployment.
After the Corps:
- Provides resources, support, fellowship, and social events to wounded, ill, and injured troops and veterans, including those living with combat operational stress and/or post-traumatic stress, as well as to provide resources and support to caregivers and family members.
- Provides support, information, and services to post-9/11 Marines and their family members during the transition into IRR, reintegration to civilian society upon discharge from the Corps, and as veterans.
- Provides support, information, and services to Gold Star family members, promotes events, memorials, and foundations in memory of their loved ones, and encourages the public to honor and remember our fallen heroes.