Videos to Share

This section of our website includes links to videos we'd like to share with you and in our groups and social media platforms.

Videos Shared on

Recruiting & Poolee Videos

Boot Camp Videos

SOI (MCT & ITB) & MOS Videos

Marine Corps Videos

Ask a Marine Videos

Marine Corps Birthday Videos

Marine Corps Officers & OCS Videos

Infantry Combat Equipment - Video Series

Additional Links

Additional videos can be found on the official Marine Corps You Tube Channels, Official Marine Corps Websites and Official DoD-contracted Websites listed below:

Other Videos

The following videos are not official USMC- or DOD-productions.

Luminary Initiative Events

Page Status: In development, 03/07/2022. DO
EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
Marine Parents and the Marine Corps
Recruit Parents
Whats After Boot Camp
After The Corps