Letters Sent Home from Recruits
What to Expect, When to Expect, How it All Works
You may be a lucky parent and receive a lot of mail from your recruit. Many are not so lucky, as recruits are very busy during boot camp and will likely be using every spare moment to study and get caught up on work related to becoming a Marine. Recruits are given time to write, but it is up to each individual recruit to choose what he or she needs to do during that free time.
Recruits receive one hour of free time each day to give them a break from the close, constant association with their drill instructors. This free time is often used to write letters, unwind and prepare for the next day.
—USMC photo by Lance Corporal Vanessa Austin.
Wear these shirts to support your recruit in boot camp!
Choose the location, battalion, and company for your newest wardrobe staple...for 13 weeks! Wear these shirts in support of your recruit in boot camp!