A great reference, taken directly from an official USMC publication, can be viewed in a PDF file from our website: Acronyms & Abbreviations
Here is a list of Marine Corps acronyms separated by category:Vehicles
- ABV: Assault Breacher Vehicle
- AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle
- BV: Base Vehicle
- CBV: Combat Breacher Vehicle
- CMV: Combat Mobility Vehicle
- EFV: Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle
- FAV: Fast Attack Vehicle
- FOV: Family of Vehicles
- HEMTT: Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck
- HMMWV: High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
- H-HMMWV: Heavy Variant High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
- IFAV: Interim Fast Attack Vehicle
- IRV: Improved Recovery Vehicle
- ITV: Internally Transportable Vehicle
- LAV: Light Armored Vehicle
- LAV-AD: Light Armored Vehicle- Air Defense
- LAV-M: Light Armored Vehicle- Mortar
- LTVR: Light Tactical Vehicle Replacement
- LVSR: Logistics Vehicle System Replacement
- MTVR: Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement
- TRAM: Tractor Rubber-tired Articulated Steering Multipurpose
- TUGV: Tactical Unmanned Ground Vehicles
- TUV-M: Tactical Unmanned Vehicle- Medium
- UGV: Unmanned Ground Vehicle
- ADCP: Air Defense Communications Platform
- CECM: Communications Electronic Countermeasures
- COMINT: Communications Intelligence
- COMNAV: Communication Navigation
- COMSEC: Communications Security
- DACT: Data Automated Communications Terminal
- DSCS:Defense Satellite Communications System
- EHF:Extremely High Frequency
- HF: High Frequency
- FH:Frequency Hopping
- JTRS:Joint Tactical Radio System
- LMR:Land Mobile Radio
- LMST: Lightweight Multi-band Satellite Terminals
- MECCES: Marine Corps Communications and Electronics School
- Mhz: Megahertz
- NIPRNET: Non Secure Internet Protocol Router Network/li>
- NOS: Network Operating System
- RF: Radio Frequency
- SATCOM: Satellite Communications
- SHF: Super High Frequency
- SINCGARS: Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System
- SIPRNET: Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
- SLOC: Sea Lines of Communication
- SMART-T: Secure Mobile Anti-Jam Reliable Tactical Terminal
- SONET: Synchronization Optical Network
- STAR-T: SHF Tri-Band Advanced Range Extension Terminal
- TACO: Tactical Communications
- TCC: Tactical Communications Center
- TCIM: Tactical Communications Interface Module
- TDCP: Tactical Data Communications Processor
- TDN: Tactical Data Network
- TDS: Tactical Data System
- UHF: Ultra High Frequency
- VHF: Very High Frequency
- WNW: Wideband Networking Waveform
- AAW: Anti-Air Warfare
- AC2S: Airborne Command and Control System
- ACE: Aviation Combat Element
- ACM: Air Contingency MAGTF
- AMC: Air Mobility Command
- AMCM: Airborne Mine Countermeasures
- APN: Aircraft Procurement Navy
- ASPARCS: Air Surveillance and Precision Approach Radar Control System
- ATACC: Advanced Tactical Air Command Central
- ATC: Air Traffic Control
- ATO: Air Tasking Order
- DASC: Direct Air Support Center
- FAC: Forward Air Controller
- HERCULES: Heavy Equipment Recovery Combat Utility LIft and Evacuation System
- HMH: Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron
- HMLA: Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron
- HMM: Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron
- IDASC: Improved Direct Air Support Center
- JSEAD: Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
- LAAD: Low Altitude Air Defense
- MACG: Marine Air Control Group
- MACP: Marine Aviation Campaign Plan
- MACS: Marine Air Control Squadron
- MAG: Marine Aircraft Group
- MAGIS: Marine Air- Ground Intelligence System
- MALS: Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron
- MARS: Marine Aviation Requirements Study
- MATCALS: Marine Air Traffic Control and Landing System
- MCATCD: Marine Corps Air Traffic Control Detachment
- MAW: Marine Aircraft Wing
- NAS: Naval Air Station
- PAA: Primary Aircraft Authorization
- TacAir: Tactical Aviation
- UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- V/STOL: Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing
- AAAV: Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
- AAV: Amphibious Assault Vehicle
- ARG: Amphibious Ready Group
- ASW: Anti Submarine Warfare
- HSV: High Speed Vessel
- HWM: High Water Mark
- LSD: Landing Ship Dock
- MOB: Mobile Offshore Base
- UMCM: Undersea Mine Countermeasures
- UUV: Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
- VSW: Very Shallow Water
Weapon Systems, Ammunition, and Equipment
- AAWS-H: Anti-Armor Weapon System- Heavy
- AAWS-M: Advanced Anti Tank Weapon System- Medium
- AGS: Advanced Gun System
- ALAM: Advanced Land Attack Missile
- ATL: Advanced Tactical Laser
- AVDTV: Armored Vehicle Driver's Thermal Viewer
- AVDVE: Armored Vehicle Driver's Vision Enhancer
- BFT: Blue Force Tracker
- ERGM: Extended Range Guided Munitions
- FATS: Firearms Training Systems
- FOTS: Follow-on-to-Shoulder Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon
- HARM: High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile
- HAW: Heavy Anti-armor Weapon
- HE: High Explosive
- HIMARS: High Mobility Artillery Rocket System
- HWTS: Heavy Weapons Thermal Sight
- IR: Infrared
- ISMT-E Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer- Enhanced
- LTA: Launch Tube Assembly
- LW155: Lightweight 155m Howitzer
- MAW: Medium Anti-Armor Weapon
- MBC: Mortar Ballistic Computer
- MLRS: Multiple Launch Rocket System
- MWS: Modular Weapon System
- MWTS: Medium Weapon Thermal Sight
- NLW: Non-Lethal Weapons
- NTIS: Night Thermal Imagery System
- NVG: Night Vision Goggles
- PGM: Precision Guided Munitions
- SMAW: Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon
- SRAW: Short Range Anti Tank Weapon
- TLAM: Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile
- TOW: Tube-Launched Optically-Tracked Wire-Guided Missile
- TSS: Target Sight System
- TWS: Thermal Weapons Sight
- WTI: Weapons and Tactics Instructor
- CENTCOM: Central Command
- CFC: Combined Forces Command
- EUCOM: European Command
- MARCENT: Marine Forces Central Command
- MARCORMATCOM: Marine Corps Material Command
- MARCORSYSCOM: Marine Corps Systems Command
- MARDIV: Marine Division
- MARFOR: Marine Forces
- MARFOREUR: Marine Forces Europe
- MARFORLANT: Marine Forces Atlantic
- MARFORPAC: Marine Forces Pacific
- MARFORRES: Marine Forces Reserve
- MARFORSOUTH: Marine Forces South
- MCCDC: Marine Corps Combat Development Command
- MCRC: Marine Corps Recruiting Command
- MCSF: Marine Corps Security Forces
- MCSSC2: Marine Combat Service Support Command and Control
- MEB: Marine Expeditionary Brigade
- MEF: Marine Expeditionary Force
- MEU: Marine Expeditionary Unit
- PACOM: Pacific Command
- SOUTHCOM: Southern Command
- STRATCOM: Strategic Command
- TECOM: Training and Education Command
- TRANSCOM: Transportation Command
- TSOC: Theater Special Operations Command
- USCENTCOM: United States Central Command
- USEUCOM: United States European Command
- USJFC: United States Joint Forces Command
- USMARCENT: US Marine Corps Forces, Central Command
- USMARFORK: US Marine Corps Forces, Korea
- USMC: United States Marine Corps
- USPACOM: United States Pacific Command
- USSOCOM: US Special Operations Command
- USSOUTHCOM: United States Southern Command
Personnel and Position Titles
- ACMC: Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
- ASD/C31: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence
- CATF: Commander Amphibious Task Force
- CG: Commanding General
- CINC: Commander-In-Chief
- CCENT: Commander, Central Command
- CEUR: Commander, European Command
- CJFCOM: Commander, Joint Forces Command
- CLANTFLT: Commander, Atlantic Fleet
- CPAC: Commander, Pacific Command
- CPACFLT: Commander, Pacific Fleet
- CSOUTH: Commander, Southern Command
- CIO: Chief Information Officer
- CJCS: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
- CJF: Commander Joint Force
- CJTF: Commander Joint Task Force
- CMC: Commandant of the Marine Corps
- COMMARFOREUR: Commander, US Marine Forces, Europe
- COMMARFORLANT: Commander, US Marine Forces, Atlantic
- COMMARFORPAC: Commander, US Marine Forces, Pacific
- COMMARFORRES: Commander, US Marine Forces, Reserve
- COMUSNAVCENT: Commander US Navy Central Command
- COMUSNAVEUR: Commander US Navy Europe
- COMUSNAVPAC: Commander US Navy Pacific
- DCI&L: Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics
- JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JFACC: Joint Force Air Component Commander
- JFC: Joint Force Commander
- JFMCC: Joint Force Maritime Component Commander
- NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer
- OPNAV: Chief of Naval Operations
- SMMC: Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
- SNCO: Staff Non-Commissioned Officer
- AT: Antiterrorism
- BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing
- CAX: Combined Arms Exercise
- CID: Combat Identification
- CONUS: Continental United States
- CP: Command Post
- CT: Counterterrorism
- CY: Calendar Year
- DEP: Delayed Entry Program
- DoD: Department of Defense
- DoN: Department of the Navy
- DoS: Department of State
- EAS: End of Active Service
- FEX: Field Exercise
- FMF: Fleet Marine Force
- FOB: Forward Operating Base
- FY: Fiscal Year
- GWOT: Global War on Terrorism
- IED: Improvised Explosive Device
- ITB: Infantry Training Battalion
- INTEL: Intelligence
- LAR: Light Armored Reconnaissance
- LRC: Learning Resource Center
- MCMAP: Marine Corps Martial Arts Program
- MCT: Marine Combat Training
- MOS: Military Occupational Specialty
- MOUT: Military Operations in Urban Terrain
- OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom
- OIF: Operation Iraqi Freedom
- OPSEC: Operational Security
- PERSEC: Personal Security
- PME: Professional Military Education
- POW: Prisoner of War
- RBE: Remain Behind Equipment
- TAD: Temporary Additional Duty