The GI Bill: Getting Started

- Official GI Bill Web Site:
- Text on this page taken from
4 Easy Steps to getting your benefits.
If you haven't used your benefits yet, you may be put off by the application process. Fear not - if you follow the 4 easy steps, you'll find that the process is simple and painless.
The application process for receiving your monthly GI Bill benefits is much simpler than you may think. Depending on the school you are applying to, the process could take you 4 steps, or less!
Step One
Find and apply to a college or university that is approved for VA training or education. If you are not clear on this point, the VA will inform you and the school or company about the requirements.
Note: Most regionally and nationally accredited colleges and universities are approved by the VA.
Step Two
Complete VA Form 22-1990, Application for Education Benefits. Your school's registrar's office usually has copies of the form on hand.
If you are active duty you will need to have your Education Service Officer or Command representative complete and sign Section II of the VA Form 22-1990.
*In addition you should speak to a counselor in your Voluntary Education Services Office to determine if you are eligible to participate in the GI-Bill Buy-up program before you start using your GI Bill. It could be worth up to an extra $5,400 in benefits.
If you are a Veteran you will need to include a copy of your DD 214 Discharge Papers.
If you are a member of the Selective Reserve you may need to include a copy of DD Form 2384-1, Notice of Basic Eligibility which was given to you by your unit when you became eligible for the MGIB-SR.
Step Three
In most cases the school will send your application along with their paperwork to the VA regional office with jurisdiction over the State or area where you will train. This will expedite the process. However if you have not found a school yet, you can still apply for your VA Eligibility Determination by mailing your completed VA Form 22-1990 to your VA Regional Office.
Scroll below to find the address for your VA Regional Office.
Within 4-8 weeks you should receive a declaration of eligibility and a letter explaning your VA GI Bill benefits. Keep in mind that it is not uncommon to get a letter from the VA requesting more information. You will have to answer the VAs requests to be determined eligible and complete the process.
Step Four
Once you have begun to receive your benefit checks (Direct Deposit) you will have to complete the VAs Web Automated Verification of Eligibility (WAVE) each month to continue to recieve your monthly benefits payments.
The WAVE is a simple process that requires you to either log-on to the VA WAVE website or call their toll-free number at 1-888-GIBILL-1. It only takes a couple of minutes, but you will not get your monthly payment until you do.
These four simple steps will lead to over $35,000 in education benefits -- the ones you paid for! It's well worth the effort, so don't wait until it is too late, get started today!
Getting Started
If you haven't found a "Military Friendly" school that is VA-approved, then the best way to get started is's "School Finder", which will help you get information from fully accredited "military friendly" colleges and universities that are VA-approved and experienced with the VA process.
Where Should You Send Your Application?
One of the following VA regional offices (see tables below) has jurisdiction over your claim.
** Training Outside the 50 States or the District of Columbia
- If you're training in Puerto Rico or the U. S. Virgin Islands, your claim will be handled by the Atlanta Regional Office (in Decatur, Georgia).
- If you're training in the Republic of the Phillippines, American Samoa, Guam, Midway, Wake Island, any of the islands in the Federated States of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau, your claim will be handled by the Muskogee Regional Office.
- If you're training in any other foreign country or area, your claim will be handled by the Buffalo Regional Office.
Mail forms to:
VA Regional Office PO Box 4616 Buffalo, NY 14240-4616 Eastern Region includes: Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Virginia West Virginia Foreign Schools |
Mail forms to:
VA Regional Office P.O. Box 100022 Decatur, GA 30031-7022 Southern Region includes: Alabama Florida Georgia Mississippi North Carolina Puerto Rico South Carolina Tennessee |
Mail forms to:
VA Regional Office PO Box 66830 St. Louis, MO 63166-6830 Central Region includes: Colorado Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Wisconsin Wyoming |
Mail forms to:
VA Regional Office PO Box 8888 Muskogee, OK 74402-8888 Western Region includes: Alaska Arkansas Arizona California Hawaii Idaho Louisiana New Mexico Nevada Oklahoma Oregon Philippines Texas Utah Washington |