Welcome to the Official MarineParents.com page for 26th MEU.
- Overview
- COVID-19 Travel Restrictions from DOD
- Overview of Fleet
- Overview of MEF/MEU
- Services Near Marine Corps Bases
- Deployment
- Reserves
- Arizona
- California
- 11th MEU
- 13th MEU
- 15th MEU
- 29 Palms (MCAGCC)
- Barstow (MCLB)
- Miramar (MCAS)
- Camp Pendleton (MCB)
- Camp Pendleton (MCAS)
- San Diego (MCRD)
- District of Columbia
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Japan
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Virginia
Unit Information Page™
MarineParents.com has Unit Information Pages (UIP) that contain unit history and location, USMC contact information, and web sites for each unit. The following links are UIP's for units aboard this Permanent Duty Station (PDS):
26th Marine Expeditionary Unit History
For more than 40 years, the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) has provided combatant commanders throughout the Mediterranean, Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia regions a potent, highly adaptive, rapid reaction force capable of conducting multiple and concurrent missions in support of the full range of military operations. Since its establishment in the late 1960s, the MEU has conducted several deployments and participated in numerous contingency operations and training exercises.
Top Links:
Information taken from https://www.26thmeu.marines.mil/About/History/ on 6/1/2018.
A Place to Connect & Share®
We have an Official MarineParents.com Facebook Group for 26th MEU. Click here to join now. Our Official Marine Parents Facebook Groups are run by volunteers who have gone through our training program. To help assure our groups are educational and on-topic, the volunteer Group Leader and volunteer Group Guides are the ones who will post topics in the group. The topics will be either educational or posts for members to have a Place to Connect & Share®. You are welcome to ask your questions or post your comments to any thread posted by the Group Leader and Group Guides.