The USMC will notify the Next-of-Kin in case of injury during a combat situation. For information about Notifying Next of Kin for WIA, Wounded in Action, please see Procedures.
Hospitals for WIA Overseas
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC): Landstuhl, Germany
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, located in Germany, is usually the first actual military hospital wounded military personnel are taken to after they've been evacuated from the Middle East. Sometimes, they are further evacuated stateside after a few weeks, and sometimes they return to duty.
Manual for Families of Severely Wounded
This document is a publication of the US Army, but has a ton of information in it for any branch of the service. Items include hospital locations and information about the surrounding community and services as well as policy and guidelines for injured military personnel.
Written by David Ogden, Sgt. USMC '11-'16.

David was a Sergeant with the United States Marine Corps from 2011-2016. He is a combat veteran. He has worked at Marine Parents as a writer since he left the Marine Corps. He is currently in college and writes for the organization full-time. Click here to read more about the author.