Volunteer Spotlight - Jennifer Myzia
Today, we shine the spotlight on Jennifer Myzia!
Jennifer has been a volunteer with MarineParents since April 2020. She holds the following positions with MarineParents.
Group Leader Mike Company San Diego
Assistant Group Leader Golf Company San Diego
Assistant Group Leader Charlie Company San Diego
We asked Jennifer to share her personal experience as a volunteer:
"I decided to volunteer with MarineParents because of the volunteers in my boot camp experience. I found MarineParents well into boot camp and was so lost and confused about everything. I also did not have a good support system. I wanted to talk with people who KNEW what it was like having a son go through the Marines, and when I would bring it up to my friends and family, I generally got a look that was, "oh, that's nice, but I don't really want to hear about this..." so I stopped trying to talk to others about it. When I found MP's Hotel Co. group, it was such a relief to not only be able to talk about this wild ride with others, but to know that their sons were in the same Company, the same platoon as mine was such a comfort. Also, the amount of information I found on the MP website was so impressive!!! I absolutely devoured each page I found and kept going back for more!"
What do you find most rewarding about volunteering with MarineParents?
"The most rewarding thing about volunteering with MarineParents is the privilege of walking beside our members, getting to know them for who they are, and seeing the moment our members go from anxious, scared, fretting loved ones to proud and strong the morning their recruit earns their EGA and Marine title! The joy, pride, excitement, and tears (every single time), is the most rewarding experience I have had. I often tell them it's like giving birth. You wait for weeks and weeks, you worry, you pray, you hope, you anticipate... then it's time! The Crucible, with its intensity, is definitely a "labor" of love! To be able to pray, encourage, update, and walk next to these loved ones is like no other! Then, the time arrives for the new Marines to claim their titles! Such joy happens!!! To witness the transformation of not only their sons/daughters, but them is simply amazing and wonderful!"
What would you say to someone who is interested in volunteering?
"If someone is interested in volunteering with MarineParents, I would tell them they will not regret it! From a person who has volunteered in many organizations over the last twenty years, I can tell you first hand that this group is special! The amount of training you receive is excellent; It is thorough, easy to understand, and the format is really user-friendly. The respect and support between volunteers are like none other I have ever experienced!!! I have had the privilege of watching these amazing volunteers interact with each other, and it is beautiful! It's how everyone should be treated. We laugh with each other; we cry together; we come alongside each other and lift each other up; we've got each other's back and since we are all Marine Family, we are there for each other!! There is no pettiness or power tripping that I have seen, and that is just really refreshing as a volunteer! The bottom line is that every volunteer I have ever known has one thing that is at the heart of their mission: They want to make a difference in someone else's journey. That is what we do with MarineParents and I could not be more proud to be associated with this amazing organization!"
With 882 volunteer hours since April 2020, we thank Jennifer for her time and dedication to the members of our MarineParents groups! OOH-RAH!! MarineParents could not do what we do without our amazing volunteers!
Click here to read Jennifer's bio page.
MarineParents would like to thank the following volunteers for their time and dedication!

Kelly Lycka
Kelly has been a volunteer since July 2021. She is a Group Guide for 1st Battalion Bravo and Delta Companies San Diego. In May, Kelly volunteered 95.5 hours.
Click here to read Kelly's bio page.

Betsy Fortson
Betsy has been a volunteer since December 2020. She is a Group Guide for our Grandparents group. In May, Betsy volunteered 45.85 hours.
Click here to read Betsy's bio page.

Michelle Dulansky
Michelle has been a volunteer since June 2019. She is Group Leader for 2nd Battalion Echo Company San Diego, Assistant Group Leader 2nd Battalion Hotel Company San Diego, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune/New River, Beaufort, Region 3 South West, and a Community Relations volunteer for Region 3 Arizona. In May, Michelle volunteered 33.47 hours.
Click here to read Michelle's bio page.

Sheryl Peavey
Sheryl has been a volunteer since August 2020. She is a Group Guide for 3rd Battalion Parris Island Lima and Kilo companies. In May, Sheryl volunteered 29.64 hours.
Click here to read Sheryl's bio page.