Volunteer Spotlight - Dana Powell
Today, we shine the spotlight on Dana Powell!
Dana has been a volunteer with MarineParents since April 2019. She holds the following positions with MarineParents.
Coach 1st Battalion San Diego
Group Leader 2nd Battalion Hotel San Diego
Group Guide Region 4 Mid States
We asked Dana to share her personal experience as a volunteer:
"From as far back as I can remember I have always wanted to help others. Even as a little girl. Every job and every chance I can I am drawn to helping others. When my Marine was in boot camp, I felt a strong need to give back the same way I was helped by the Marine Parents Volunteer Program. To bring even the slightest amount of peace, hope, and understanding to the families whose loved ones are away and because they are lost and struggling is what keeps me volunteering. We become family on this journey. Especially when those around our circle do not fully understand the emotions and struggles that go along with our loved ones being away in the military. For someone who is interested in volunteering, I say it is the most rewarding and life-altering experience. It will bring you joy knowing you have made things a little more bearable and have others to lean on during those times that hit the hardest. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to give back in a way that shows love and compassion!"
With 2,020 volunteer hours since April 2020, we thank Dana for her time and dedication to the members of our MarineParents groups! OOH-RAH!! MarineParents could not do what we do without our amazing volunteers!
Click here to read Dana's bio page.
MarineParents would like to thank the following volunteers for their time and dedication!

Joyce Willcox
Joyce has been a volunteer since March 2019. She is the Assistant Group Leader for our MoMs group as well as 1st Battalion Delta Company San Diego. In June, Joyce volunteered 94 hours.
Click here to read Joyce's bio page.

Sue George
Sue has been a volunteer since December 2019. She is the Assistant Group Leader for several fleet groups that include East Coast PDS, West Coast PDS, Hawaii, and Japan. Sue is also the Assistant Group Leader for our Grandparents group as well as the MarineParents group. In June, Sue volunteered 105 hours.
Click here to read Sue's bio page.

Christine Sawyer
Christine has been a volunteer since February 2020. She is a Group Guide for our Region 6 South East group. In June, Sue volunteered 29 hours.
Click here to read Christine's bio page.

Julie Menefee
Julie has been a volunteer since December 2020. She is a Group Guide for 1st Battalion Bravo Company Parris Island. In June, Julie volunteered 35 hours.
Click here to read Julie's bio page.