Volunteer Spotlight - Sheri Edwards
Today, we shine the spotlight on Sheri Edwards!
Sheri has been a volunteer with MarineParents since March 2020. She holds the following positions with MarineParents.
Group Leader 2nd Battalion Fox and Golf Companies Parris Island
Group Leader 3rd Battalion Kilo Company Parris Island
Group Leader 4th Battalion Papa Company Parris Island
Assistant Group Leader 2nd Battalion Hotel Company Parris Island
We asked Sheri to share her personal experience as a volunteer:
Why did you decide to volunteer with Marine Parents?
"When my oldest Marine came home from the Recruiter's office I immediately searched up the USMC online. One of the search suggestions was MarineParents. I began reading through the information and eventually found the Facebook groups. There were several volunteers that would interact with me and I just felt so relieved to have found a place to keep up with what was going on. As time progressed I inquired about volunteering. Then my youngest son signed up and I decided to wait until he graduated before I began my training to become a volunteer. Those Volunteers that helped me through both of those journeys were the first reason I wanted to join, but I also appreciated the way MarineParents was drama free and supportive on a level that felt professional yet personable at the same time."
What do you find most rewarding about volunteering with MarineParents?
"There are too many things to list! I absolutely LOVE helping other families go through Boot Camp and watching how they grow through the experience. It's always amazing how they start out scared and end with more knowledge and pride for the Marine Corps. I also have made SO MANY friends! It is nice to have something outside of my regular career and day to day that I can be involved in and meet so many different people. I love our teams and the camaraderie that we have together. And lastly, just the knowledge that I am helping our Marine Corps family in some small way is fulfilling. Especially with a trusted organization like Marine Parents. I will always be grateful to Tracy for her foresight and willingness to start something like this. I have been helped in more ways than I can count and that in and of itself is rewarding."
What would you say to someone who is interested in volunteering?
"SIGN UP TODAY! You won't regret it! Not only will you pay it forward to other families but you will learn so much more about the Marine Corps and your Marine's career. If you are searching for purpose in your life, this is a wonderful place to start! Just do it and join us!"
With 1470 volunteer hours since March 2020, we thank Sheri for her time and dedication to the members of our MarineParents groups! OOH-RAH!! MarineParents could not do what we do without our amazing volunteers!
Click here to read Sheri's bio page.
MarineParents would like to thank the following volunteers for their time and dedication!

Krista Douglas
Krista has been a volunteer since September 2021. She is a Group Guide for 1st Battalion Bravo Company San Diego, 2nd Battalion Fox Company San Diego, and 3rd Battalion Mike Company San Diego. Krista is also the Assistant Group Leader for 1st Battalion Alpha Company San Diego. In August, Krista volunteered 88.1 hours.
Click here to read Krista's bio page.

Lonni Hendershott
Lonni has been a volunteer since May 2019. She is the Group Leader for our Deployment group. In August, Lonni volunteered 44.1 hours.
Click here to read Lonnie's bio page.

Rachael Whiteside
Rachael has been a volunteer since January 2021. She is a Group Guide for 3rd Battalion Lima Company Parris Island. In August, Rachael volunteered 30.39 hours.
Click here to read Rachael's bio page.

Lynn Humphreys
Lynn has been a volunteer since March 2018. Lynn is the Assistant Coach for the Fleet groups, Group Leader for Wives/Girlfriends and Grandparents groups, Assistant Group Leader for PDS/MEU/MEF, Group Guide for our MarineParents group, and a Community Representative Presenter for Missouri and Kansas. In August, Lynn volunteered 50.57 hours.
Click here to read Lynn's bio page.