Volunteer Spotlight - Debbie McGlasson
Today, we shine the spotlight on Debbie McGlasson!
Debbie has been a volunteer with MarineParents since July 2019. She holds the following positions with MarineParents.
Assistant Group Leader 3rd Battalion Lima Company San Diego
Group Guide Fleet PDS East and PDS West
We asked Debbie to share her personal experience as a volunteer:
"I was a complete newbie to military life when our son enlisted. My husband did some research and called me very excited when he found the Marine Parents website. I poured over that site and tried to learn as much as possible. After our son graduated from boot camp I wanted to pay it forward and help future families like I had been helped. I have made some amazing friends on this journey with Marine Parents and have been blessed to help some wonderful people along the way. If you have any thoughts that you could help others in their Marine family journey you should consider volunteering. It is a truly rewarding way to give back and help others."
With 1042 volunteer hours since July 2019, we thank Debbie for her time and dedication to the members of our MarineParents groups! OOH-RAH!! MarineParents could not do what we do without our amazing volunteers!
Click here to read Debbie's bio page.
MarineParents would like to thank the following volunteers for their time and dedication!

Stephanie Harris
Stephanie has been a volunteer since February 2021. She is a Group Guide for 2nd Battalion Hotel Company Parris Island and a Group Guide for 3rd Battalion India Company Parris Island. In November, Stephanie volunteered 33 hours.
Click here to read Stephanie's bio page.

Rhonda Miller
Rhonda has been a volunteer since October 2019. She is the Coach for our Fleet groups, Group Leader PDS/MEU/MEF, Assistant Group Leader for PDS West Coast, Group Guide for PDS East Coast, and a Community Relations Presenter for Region 1, Montana. In November, Rhonda volunteered 51 hours.
Click here to read Rhonda's bio page.

Olga Snipes
Olga has been a volunteer since November 2021. She is a Group Guide for 1st Battalion Charlie Parris Island. In November, Olga volunteered 35 hours.
Click here to read Olga's bio page.

Stacie Theis
Stacie has been a volunteer since April 2018. She is the Manager for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions San Diego, Coach of 2nd Battalion San Diego, and Group Leader for 3rd Battalion India San Diego. In November, Stacie volunteered 72 hours.
Click here to read Stacie's bio page.
Welcome Back to Allison Wadowski!
Allison is a previous volunteer who returned after a short time away and completed a training refresher. Allison is the Group Leader for 1st Battalion Delta Company Parris Island and Assistant Group Leader for 3rd Battalion Mike Company Parris Island. Allison has volunteered 33 hours since her return as a volunteer.

Allison Wadowski
One of the first things Allison heard when her son signed was "when your child joins the Marine Corps, the entire family joins." MarineParents was a saving grace during Allison's experience in Boot Camp. The information provided, the daily motivation, the inspiration, and advice found on the Lima Company Facebook page was a lifeline. The relationships formed in the group are a major part of Allison's daily life still today and she is excited to serve and bridge that gap for new recruit parents.
Click here to read Allison's bio page.