Reserves - Education
There are some factors that could dictate which education programs and benefits you are eligible for.

When deciding which education assistance to use consider where you are in your service and education level. There are some factors that could dictate which education programs and benefits you are eligible for.
Montgomery GI Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)
MGIB-SR program provides education and training benefits to eligible members of the Selected Reserve, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard or Air National Guard. Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve components and VA makes the payments.
Types of Training
There are several types of training the MGIB-SR assistance can be used for:
- College degree and certificate programs
- Co-op training
- Technical or vocational courses
- Flight training
- Apprenticeships or on-the-job training
- High-tech training
- Licensing and certification tests
- Entrepreneurship training
- Certain entrance exams
- Correspondence courses
It's not common for remedial, deficiency, or refresher courses to be approved but they may be under certain circumstances.
You may be entitled to receive up to 36 months of education benefits. Click here to view current payment rates.
The following qualifications must be met in order to be eligible for MGIB-SR:
- Have a six-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve signed after June 30, 1985. If you are an officer, you must have agreed to serve six years in addition to your original obligation. For some types of training, it is necessary to have a six-year commitment that begins after Sept. 30, 1990.
- Complete your initial active duty for training (IADT).
- Meet the requirement to receive a high school diploma or equivalency certificate before completing IADT. You may not use 12 hours toward a college degree to meet this requirement.
- Remain in good standing while serving in an active Selected Reserve unit. You will also retain MGIB-SR eligibility if you were discharged from Selected Reserve service due to a disability that was not caused by misconduct. Your eligibility period may be extended if you are ordered to active duty.
Other Factors
Your eligibility for the program normally ends the day you leave the Selected Reserve. If you are recalled to Active Duty from your reserve status your eligibility may be extended the amount of time you are active plus four months. Even if you leave the Reserves after mobilization, you may have additional eligibility under the MGIB-SR.
If your unit was deactivated during the period beginning Oct. 1, 2007, through Sept. 30, 2014, or you are involuntarily separated for reasons other than misconduct, you will retain your original period of eligibility, which is 14 years from the date of your first six-year obligation with the Selected Reserves.
Follow these steps to become eligible and apply:
- Get the DD Form 2384-1, Notice of Basic Eligibility, when you become eligible for the program from your unit. Your unit will also code your eligibility into the DoD personnel system so VA may verify your eligibility.
- Then make sure your selected program is approved for VA training. If you are unsure, VA will inform you and the school or company about the requirements.
- Obtain and complete VA Form 22-1990 (Application for Education Benefits). Send it to the VA regional office with jurisdiction over the state where you will train.
- If you started training, take your application and your Notice of Basic Eligibility to your school or employer. Ask them to complete VA Form 22-1999 not available online Enrollment Certification, and send all the forms to VA.
Information on MGIB-SR taken directly from on 04/24/2019.
Voluntary Education Program
The Voluntary Education Program provides personal and professional learning opportunities to the Marine Corps community. The program positively impacts recruitment, retention, and readiness of all Marines. Services and resources are provided by counselors through individual counseling, education briefs, and education fairs.
During individual counseling sessions, Marines will learn about finding the right college, testing, obtaining credit for prior military learning, financial aid and other options that may shorten the amount of time or funds required to complete a degree.
Other information you can get assistance with is:
- Pell Grants
- Scholarships
- GI Bill
- Joint Service Transcripts
- TA Decide
- Marine Corps COOL
- Certifications
- Leadership Scholar Program
- Service Member Opportunity College (SOC) and much more...
Here is the contact information for your Education Office regardless of your geographic location:
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
0730 - 1630 (CST)
Information on The Voluntary Education Program taken directly from
Written by David Ogden, Sgt. USMC '11-'16.

David was a Sergeant with the United States Marine Corps from 2011-2016. He is a combat veteran. He has worked at Marine Parents as a writer since he left the Marine Corps. He is currently in college and writes for the organization full-time. Click here to read more about the author.