10 Reglas para publicar en Facebook
# 1 Recuerde nuestra misión y sea amable
# 2 OPSEC, PERSEC, respeto y privacidad
# 3 Marine Corps privacidad y actividades
# 4 No publicidad, solicitar, o recaudar
# 5 Otras redes sociales y MPs
# 6 Enlaces, sitios web, noticias y artículos
# 7 Incidencias y bajas militares
# 8 Derechos de autor, fotografías y videos
(Información para toda etapa en el Cuerpo de Marines. Esta información es central cuando su infante de Marina haya completado todas sus escuelas.)
(Mientras su ser querido está en el entrenamiento de reclutamiento. También conocido como campo de entrenamiento.)
(Después de la graduación del campo de entrenamiento, viene la siguiente educación adicional: SOI y MOS.)
(Cuando su Infante de Marina esté listo para salir del Cuerpo de Marines y volver a un estilo de vida civil.)
(Una iniciativa de recaudación de fondos para la organización que se centra en la aptitud física.)
Application and Examples: Photos & Videos
- YES, IF: Official Marine Corps photos and videos or content which comes from an entity contracted by the DOD or USMC are permitted as long as they have been released for public use and credit is given to the photographer or videographer.
- YES, IF: Your photos and videos are permitted IF they are OPSEC compliant and comply with our Ten Rules for Posting.
- YES, IF: Your photos of Marines taken during boot camp, SOI, or MOS graduation ceremonies or other Marine Corps-sanctioned family events ARE permitted IF the event is open to family members and/or the public.
- NOT PERMITTED: Your photos of Marines in uniform with a weapon are NOT permitted.
- NOT PERMITTED: Your photos of recruits or Marines during any training or during the act of deploying are NOT permitted.
- CAUTION: For your photos of Marines which are permitted, WE strongly encourage you to blur or remove any visible name tapes; if you're unsure if this is necessary, ask your Marine for his/her preference.
- We reserve the right to remove any photo or video for any reason without further explanation.
Application and Examples: Copyright
- By agreeing to have an account on Facebook, you are under a contract with Facebook which states you will not upload or post ANY content which does not belong to you. Facebook makes this YOUR responsibililty.
- We DO ENFORCE copyright law in our groups. Please do not post or upload content, text, photos or videos which does not belong to YOU.
- Posts containing content, photos, video or text which we deem a copyright violation will be removed.
- If you did not take the photo, create the content, or make the video, then it does not belong to you and is copyright to it's original author. Please do not post it in our groups.