Ten Rules for Posting on Facebook
Rule #1: Remember Our Mission & Be Kind
Rule #2: OPSEC, PERSEC, Respect, & Privacy
Rule #3: Marine Corps Privacy & Business
Rule #4: No Advertising, Soliciting or Fundraising
Rule #5: Other Social Media & PMs
Rule #6: Links, Websites, News, & Articles
Rule #7: Military Incidences & Casualties
Rule #8: Copyright, Photos, & Videos
Application and Examples "Call to Action"
- We reserve the right to remove any "Call to Action" for any reason.
- A call to action must be in support of our troops, in support of our Mission Statement, and be approved by the corporate office prior to be posted in our groups.
- Approved "Calls to Action" may be shared as a page from our website, MarineParents.com only.
- Posts that include a "Call to Action" will be allowed as long as the call to action is in support of our troops and/or the mission statement of MarineParents.com, Inc. and is not political in nature, illegal, targeting the Marine Corps, or in direct competition with any of our outreach programs.
- Soliciting donations or fundraising are NOT considered a "Call to Action" and will not be permitted in our groups. See rule #4.
Application and Examples "Politics"
- MarineParents.com is first and foremost a support community; political differences have potential to denigrate the support environment.
- Endorsement of candidates or mention of political positions or any other political statements, expressed or implied, are not allowed.
- Discussions of the political nature of current conflicts are not allowed.
- Expressions of patriotism and supporting the troops are NOT considered political statements and may be posted by members.
- Posting news articles with election results is NOT considered political and may be posted from a credible news source if it is "On Topic" for that group.