Posting Rule #2: OPSEC, PERSEC, Respect, and Privacy
Posts and comments violating OPSEC or PERSEC are not permitted. Being part of this group requires mutual trust; what is said in the group stays in the group. Respect your own privacy and respect the privacy of others, your family, and your recruit or Marine.
Ten Rules for Posting on Facebook
Rule #1: Remember Our Mission & Be Kind
Rule #2: OPSEC, PERSEC, Respect, & Privacy
Rule #3: Marine Corps Privacy & Business
Rule #4: No Advertising, Soliciting or Fundraising
Rule #5: Other Social Media & PMs
Rule #6: Links, Websites, News, & Articles
Rule #7: Military Incidences & Casualties
Rule #8: Copyright, Photos, & Videos
CLICK OR TAP to Show/Hide COVID-19 OPSEC Information
Application and Examples: OPSEC
- Discussions of school and training (not mission-specific) while a recruit/Marine attend boot camp, SOI and MOS Schools, are permitted.
- All content must conform to military and troop Operational Security. Troop is defined as a group of military personnel. Do not discuss troop operations including movement, missions, logistics, numbers, locations, dates, and/or morale.
- Missions include but are not limited to engagement, training exercises, patrols, delivery of supplies, delivery of mail, meeting with locals. If your Marine is sharing his/her troop activities with you, don't share it in the community.
- Posts identifying your Marine's specific billet in conjunction with a mission whether past, present or future, will not be allowed.
- Identification of a Marine in a high security billet or MOS is not allowed.
- Read More: OPSEC and PMs in Social Media
Application and Examples: Respect & Privacy
- Please respect your own privacy, and the privacy of your family, your Marine or recruit, and other members of the group. We reserve the right to delete posts of a private nature without notice.
- Please respect the privacy of your Marine or recruit and remember that letters written to you were not likely intended for you to publish in a social media group.
- Do not share information, names, phone numbers, addresses or emails about another person's Marine or recruit.
Application and Examples: PERSEC
- While Facebook requires you to use your last name in your profile, we discourage you sharing your recruit or Marine's last name in any social media environment.
- Sharing your recruit or Marine's last name in our groups is not permitted. We will remove posts from our groups which include last names of recruits or Marines. We advise against tagging your Marine or recruit in a photo or allowing photos which include his/her user name.
- Personal information about yourself, your Marine or recruit, or other members is not permitted, including but not limited to identifying information such as email addresses, phone numbers, addresses or user names from social media.
- Posting on your recruit or Marine's birthday is not permitted in our groups even if it's just to say "Happy Birthday". Posting birthdates poses potential for identity theft. While Facebook encourages sharing birthdates, we advise against it.
- If ANY social media group asks for personally identifying information about you or your recruit or Marine as a condition of joining or during membership, we discourage you from joining or participating in those groups.
- No one can prove who a person is from viewing a Facebook profile or asking a few questions. Facebook groups are not secure regardless of who the Admins and Moderators are—even those who claim military-only memberships.