2016 MarineParents.com Volunteer Statistics
This organization could not exist if it were not for the contributions of hundreds of parents around the United States. Our volunteers have taken that one step further and contribute endless hours answering emails, moderating the social media groups, researching information, and supporting the parents, spouses, family and friends of our United States Marines.

MarineParents.com could not exist if it were not for the contributions of hundreds of parents around the United States. Our volunteers have taken that one step further and contributed endless hours answering emails, moderating the social media groups, researching information, and supporting the parents, spouses, family and friends of our United States Marines. The dedication to the Marine Corps from each of these individuals benefits thousands of families around the world.
MarineParents.com volunteers were very dedicated to our outreach programs and services in 2016. Between all volunteers, there were 42,876.75 volunteer hours recorded last year. That averages out to 824.55 hours per week, which totals out to 21 full time employees. There were 37,134 volunteer hours in Official MarineParents.com Facebook Groups, 4,929.5 hours from our outreach program, Warrior Support Team (WST), as well as 813.25 local volunteer hours at the Marine Parents Corporate Office. In 2016, MarineParents had 58 volunteers with the Warrior Support Team, 153 volunteers on Facebook, and 94 local volunteers.
Statistics for 2016:
Total Volunteer Hours: 42,876.75
Facebook Volunteer Hours: 37,134
WST Volunteer Hours: 4,929.5
Local Volunteer Hours: 813.25