Meet Froylán Hernández, Volunteer for
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Family Group Guide Dads
Froylán Hernández
Volunteering since 2024-07-17Total Service Hours: 206.42
Total Service Hours in 2025: 33.42
Froylán, a wildlife biologist by trade and Marine by choice, and his family live in Alpine, TX, in the Big Bend area of Far West Texas. He finds joy in all things outdoors and is an avid runner, hiker, backpacker, camper, hunter, and all fun activities that end in “er.” Froylán is also the proud father of 2 daughters and 1 son. They have all been very active in sports, including track, cross country, softball, baseball, and football. From a very young age, his son and middle child, Ylán, created drawings of military scenes but never really spoke about joining. A year after graduating from high school, he opted to enlist, in his own words, “the most challenging and professional of all the military branches.” In July 2024, he was welcomed into the ranks of The Few, The Proud. Like Father, Like Son!
From a Marine’s perspective, Froylán had a pretty good idea what his son would endure while in boot camp….but he had NO idea what it would be like as a Marine parent! Fortunately, MarineParents provided daily information and connections to other Marine parents experiencing similar emotions. He found comfort in interacting with those parents and, at times, provided his own personal experience and encouraging words. This motivated Froylán to volunteer for MarineParents and provide others with what MarineParents gave him.
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