Meet Catalina Cerda Rodriguez, Volunteer for
Our volunteers work around the United States in a variety of capacities. Please give a shout out of thanks to one of our Official Marine Parents Facebook Group volunteers!

Catalina's Positions
Click the Link to View the Group(s)
Fleet Spanish Assistant Group Leader Marine Parents SpanishTraining Spanish Assistant Group Leader Recruit Parents Spanish
PI 2nd RTBN Assistant Group Leader PI Echo
PI 2nd RTBN Group Leader PI Hotel
SD 2nd RTBN Group Guide SD Hotel
Catalina Cerda Rodriguez
Volunteering since 2021-10-22Total Service Hours: 1918.42
Total Service Hours in 2025: 64.76
Catalina is a farmer's wife and mother of 3. She lives in the state of Texas. Her older son is a Marine. He had never shown interest in the military, and one October night, he came home and told his parents, "Tomorrow, I have an interview with a recruiter to join the Marines."... they were shocked, to say the least! Catalina and her family were not familiar with military life. As her son left for boot camp, she looked for information and found MarineParents. It was a lifesaver!
Catalina was very thankful for the volunteers in the support group that she became interested in volunteering and wanted to pay it forward, but it wasn't until her Marine deployed that she took the step and started the training to become a volunteer.
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