Memorial Day: Reflection, Remembrance, and Honor

Monday, May 27, 2024, is Memorial Day, a day dedicated to honoring and remembering American service members who died in service of this country. We encourage everyone to take some time that day to reflect on the sacrifices that have been being made on a daily basis for more than two centuries by those who protect our freedoms and way of life around the world.
Dear Marine families,
Memorial Day is a day for reflection, remembrance, and honoring the men and women who have died in service to our country.
Today is an opportunity for YOU to take the message of honoring and paying respect to the brave men and women who have given their lives in the service of keeping you and me free to your friends and family today.
Please ask those you are gathered with today to pause for a moment of silence to honor and remember the sacrifices so many have made for our freedom. We can never forget those who gave their lives; the past, present, and future generations of America's warriors.
While MarineParents.com, Inc. may not be as large as some of the other military-based organizations you may be familiar with, what we lack in size, we make up for with consistency. For more than 20 years now, we've made it our mission to provide support, information, and services to our men and women in uniform, as well as their family members.
Whether it's been sending family members to boot camp graduations, providing financial assistance to military families, helping troops and their family members through difficult times in other ways, and providing a place to connect and share, we're here.
None of what we do would be possible without our freedom. Our freedom would not be possible without the ultimate sacrifices of our men and women in uniform. Today is the day to remember and honor those who gave all.
God bless and Semper Fi,

Tracy Della Vecchia
Founder and Executive Director
MarineParents.com, Inc.
Make A Donation
Since 2003 we've been working diligently to support warriors, educate family members, and encourage the public to support our troops. As a leader in the Marine Corps support community, we work directly with warriors and family members to assure we're not only understanding their needs, but meeting them as well.
Click here to donate now.
Memorial Day Versus Veterans Day
While Memorial Day and Veterans Day acknowledge the service and sacrifices of our military members, it's essential to understand the difference between the two.
Click here to read more and share in social media.