Gold Star Spouses Day

April 5th is Gold Star Spouses Day

Every year, April 5th is Gold Star Spouses Day. Take a moment to show your support and show Gold Star Spouses that we remember their sacrifice.

Gold Star Spouses Day

In 2017, the United States Senate designated April 5th as Gold Star Spouses Day, to allow Americans to pay respect to the spouses of fallen servicemembers.

The bill encourages the people of the United States to observe Gold Star Wives (Spouses) Day to promote awareness of:

  • The contributions and dedication of the members of Gold Star Wives of America, Inc., a non-profit, to the members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States
  • The important role that Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. plays in the lives of the spouses and families of the fallen members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States

The Gold Star Wives of America is a Congressionally Chartered non-profit service organization that provides assistance and friendship to those who have lost their spouse to a military-related cause of death.

To learn more, visit the Gold Star Wives of America website.

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