31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (31st MEU)
Expeditionary Units: 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit

Unit Information
The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit is an amphibious, combined arms, air-ground task force capable of conventional and select maritime special operations of limited duration in support of a combatant commander. Capable of sustaining itself for 15 days, the MEU accomplishes these missions by functioning as a type of Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) - a combination of air, ground and support assets.
The 31st MEU is the only permanently forward deployed MEU, standing always ready to operate in and around the western Pacific.
MCB Okinawa, Japan
Click Here
Family Readiness Information
The primary source of unit/battalion information for spouses AND parents is the Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC) and Unit Hotline. The DRC will work with FR Assistants, FR Advisors and FR Volunteers along with the senior command members to make up the new Family Readiness Command Team.
Note: The DRC was formerly known as FRO and in some instances, the USMC Family Readiness Page has not been updated to reflect DRC rather than FRO.
Click Here
Richard Palma; Email: richard.palma@usmc.mil
DSN: 623-4990; INT'L 011-81-80-1385-7132
Unit Hotline Number:
Hotline Extension:
31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (31st MEU) Mailing Addresses
MarineParents.com Sites for 31st MEU
Marine Parents Facebook Group:
Marine Parents Fleet Information Page
Additional Services from MarineParents.com
MarineParents.com, Inc. Web Site:
Marine Parents Fleet Pages:
EGA Shop for Unit Shirts:
EGA Shop Unit Store
Our Official Facebook Groups:
Other Helpful Web Sites
(these may or may not be official USMC web sites)- III MEF unit page: http://www.iiimef.marines.mil/
- Okinawa Marines: http://www.mcipac.marines.mil/
- 31st MEU Official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/31stMEU
- USS Essex Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/USSESSEX
- USS Harpers Ferry Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/USS-Harpers-Ferry-LSD-49/163205253698954
31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (31st MEU) Postal Facility
If you need assistance finding a mailing address for a Marine, please contact the postal facility of the last known state-side duty station. The postal facility will not give out mailing addresses to non-family members. Family members need to be prepared to provide identifying information for their Marine. The following is contact information for the postal facility that handles 31st MEU mail:
Postal Facility Location
Postal Phone Number(s)
Information on 31st MEU last updated 10/10/2018 3:38:47 PM GMT.
Attention Unit DRC and/or Senior Command Elements of the 31st MEU:
To request changes to the 31st MEU Unit Information Page™, please contact the Marine Parents office at 573-449-2003 or via email mp@marineparents.com. Office staff will make the changes immediately.