Mother of a Marine Veteran, Volunteer of the Year
Thank you Cheryl for running our AFTER THE CORPS Group!
Congratulations to Cheryl for being selected as our Volunteer of the Year for the Outreach Program groups which include After the Corps, OCS, Team Marine Parents, and the Luminary Initiative. Cheryl is responsible for our group "After the Corps" in support of family members whose sons and daughters have finished their service in the Corps and transitioning to a civilian lifestyle. She's also the assistant group leader in Region 6 which includes members from southeastern states.
Cheryl has seen every stage of a Marine's career in the Corps, including the transition to becoming a Veteran and civilian. It's that knowledge, and her huge heart, that our members benefit from.—Tracy Della Vecchia, Founder
Cheryl remembers the angst she felt numerous times while her youngest son was on active duty in the Marine Corps. She recalls feeling like others outside of the military lifestyle sometimes didn’t understand her myriad of emotions. MarineParents is where Cheryl spent time whenever she needed to cry, vent, talk, listen or learn. Cheryl is extremely supportive and helpful to others who are riding the wave of emotions that being a family member of a Marine brings.
Thank you, Cheryl, for all you do, making sure family members understand the transition period between the Corps and returning to life as a civilian. Hundreds of members lean on you for support and you're always there with the right resources and answers!
Recruit Battalion Crest Shirts for Graduation
Perfect for Graduation and the moto run! You can also wear them during boot camp! Shop by Parris Island or San Diego and the battalion and company.