Volunteer of the Year and NEWLY Promoted to Coach
Jenn Landreth and MP Team Boot: A Stellar Combination
Congratulations to Jenn Landreth for being selected Volunteer of the Year for MP Team Boot. Jenn has been the Assistant Coach since 2019 and this week was promoted to Coach for the team. This team manages our Official MarineParents.com Facebook Poolee group, Medical Rehab Platoon group, and all of our SOI/MOS groups. Jenn is extremely knowledgeable about every topic we cover in those groups. Her passion runs deep for parents whose recruits experience separation from the Corps or medical setbacks. She's an incredible support to all the poolee, recruit, and Marine family members.
Jenn is a total team player. She has been instrumental in keeping the team up and running while I was unavailable for the past year due to other obligations. She really stepped up to the plate to help during a challenging situation.—Shannon Perez, Volunteer Manager
Jenn chose to volunteer for Marine Parents because of the wonderful support she received while her son transitioned from Poolee to Recruit to Marine. She is so grateful for the volunteers and fellow Marine families who took the time to make each phase a little easier. The support and encouragement she and her family received while her son was held up during boot camp in MRP was so important. Jennifer feels that knowing an encouraging word or answer to a question is only a click away can make the whole process easier. She wanted to be a part of Marine Parents to give back and helps other families navigate through this new chapter in their lives.
Jennifer has become a champ at giving back and we appreciate every single moment she spends in service to the poolee, recruit, and Marine family members. I know we speak for thousands of family members through the years when we say "Thank you, Jenn!". And congratulations on your recent and well-deserved promotion to Coach!
Who needs a superhero when your ____ is a Marine
One of our best selling family designs is back. Now available in dozens of colors. The front of the shirt has the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor (EGA). On the back, you choose the affiliation of your HERO!