MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Lourdes, Attend Graduation
Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
On Friday, January 17, 2025, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Lourdes, the Mother of a recruit, to Parris Island for the recruit's graduation from November Company to become a Marine.
I would like to thank Marine Parents for the generous award which was given to me to be able to travel to my daughter’s family day and graduation, traveling from Puerto Rico to Parris Island. I have been raising my children as a divorced parent and then alone since their father passed three years ago, and I am still raising my teenage son, who is at home and in high school. I would not have been able to afford the two plane tickets, and hotel stay without receiving this assistance for my trip. More than likely, I would have had to fly alone and somehow leave my other child behind or not travel, but we were both there, thanks to you! I want to share with other parents the pride and honor you experience attending these activities. Having not seen my Marine child for 12 weeks with limited contact by mail, it was an overwhelming joy to see her finally. I felt pride and awe to see her in uniform and the amazing formation during the graduation. Thank you again, Marine Parents, and I hope to someday be able to give back so that other families don’t have to miss this important milestone in their family members’ lives. Lourdes, New Marine Mom
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