MPTA Helps Marine Father, Steven, Attend Graduation

MPTA Helps Marine Father, Steven, Attend Graduation

Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!

On Friday, April 5, 2024, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Steven, Father of a recruit, to San Diego for the recruit's graduation from Hotel Company to become a Marine.

I want to thank Marine Parents for helping me and my family go to see my son graduate from San Diego. It means everything to me, and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! Steven, New Marine Dad

Sale on Marine Corps T-Shirts at the EGA Shop

Coins: 2nd Btn Parris Island


Looking for a gift for your soon-to-be-Marine? Parris Island 2nd Battalion coin limited edition. Perfect gift with the silver engraved achievement coin!

EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
Marine Parents and the Marine Corps
Recruit Parents
Whats After Boot Camp
After The Corps