MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Aimee, Attend Graduation

MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Aimee, Attend Graduation

Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!

On Friday, August 25, 2023, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Aimee, Mother of a recruit, to Parris Island for the recruit's graduation from Delta Company to become a Marine.

I can’t express enough what it meant to me to have been able to be at PI for my son’s graduation as well as family day. Unexpected circumstances would’ve prevented me from being able to manage the trip financially. But MarineParents supported my efforts so I could manage to make the trip happen. This gave me a snapshot of the meaning of being part of the Marine Corps family. Thank you for supporting me in order to enable me to support my Marine. Aimee, New Marine Mom

Sale on Marine Corps T-Shirts at the EGA Shop

Show Your Support During Boot Camp


Thirteen weeks is a long time! Show your support when your recruit is in boot camp! Wear these shirts DURING their journey! In 1st Battalion, wear RED on MONDAY. In 2nd Battalion, wear YELLOW on Tuesday. In 3rd Battalion, wear BLUE on Wednesday!

EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
Marine Parents and the Marine Corps
Recruit Parents
Whats After Boot Camp
After The Corps