1,365 Workbooks for Combat Veterans

1,365 Workbooks for Combat Veterans

Our outreach to Veterans continues in difficult economic times.

On May 19, 2022, we answered the call to support over 1300 Veterans in Missouri by delivering workbooks to the VFW and DAV for upcoming conferences in the next couple of weeks. The books (Transition Workbook for Combat Veterans and Life After Service: Solutions to Common Problems) were written by the Naval Health Research Center in San Diego and purchased by MarineParents.com for free distribution to veterans around the nation.

Our Veterans need resources like these two workbooks. Thank you for reaching out to provide quality literature to our Veterans.
— Troy Williams, VA Service Officer, and Marine

VFW is Veterans of Foreign Wars and DAV is Disabled American Veterans. Both organizations have offices in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Columbia, Missouri. Our corporate office is in Columbia, Missouri and the founder, Tracy Della Vecchia, was able to meet with Troy Williams personally to deliver the books.

Despite our difficulties with finances right now, we're still providing outreach services to Marines, their family members, and our Veterans. Please consider a donation today to help us get through this tough time. Thank you for your support of the organization that supports you!

Sale on Marine Corps T-Shirts at the EGA Shop

Fly them in tandem!


Fly Proud! Both our American flag and Marine Corps flag. They each look stellar on their own, but truly shine when they are flown together!

EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
Marine Parents and the Marine Corps
Recruit Parents
Whats After Boot Camp
After The Corps