Diana (Diana Wolfe) from Yorkville, IL
Diana started as a platoon parent for 2nd Battalion, Fox Company, San Diego. She now
serves as the SOI West MCT Group Leader, Group Guide for OCS/TBS, and Group Guide for
India Company, 3rd RTBN, Parris Island. Her goal is to continue supporting family members
through their experiences.
Diana is a mother of three and is a proud Grandma to four grandchildren. Her youngest son
is her Marine. He is married and the proud parent of one of her granddaughters. Her middle
child is her daughter, who is in Property Management and parent to one of her grandsons.
Her oldest son installs Heating and Cooling systems and he and his wife are parents to both
her oldest granddaughter and her youngest grandson.
Diana wanted to volunteer for Marine Parents because of the importance of helping other
families through the boot camp journey as well as helping them understand what comes
next. She knows the importance of reaching out to other parents going through this process
and communicates with them to let them know she knows what they are going through and
that they are not alone. She would like to help other parents and family members learn and
understand their son’s and daughter’s journey in the Marine Corps.
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