Ashley (Ashley Coker Black) from Sheridan, AR
Ashley is a dedicated wife, mother, and grandmother, affectionately known as Lala. She has
two children and two grandchildren, a girl and a boy, who were given to her by her eldest.
Her son has bestowed upon her the title of Marine MoM, marking her first foray into the
military lifestyle. Although her grandparents served in different military branches, they had
retired before she was born. Her son completed boot camp at MCRD San Diego in May
2024. Now, her Marine is pursuing his dream, completing his MOS training with the
aspiration to serve his country abroad.
Ashley became a volunteer at following her Marine's completion of
Recruit training. She was drawn to the organization because of the support she received
while her son was in boot camp. Reading the daily posts, she gained insight into her
recruit's experiences. The support and knowledge from were
instrumental in helping her understand her Marine's daily challenges. Ashley's desire to
volunteer stemmed from a wish to share her own experiences and assist other families in
navigating the boot camp journey. She never felt isolated and aims to ensure no family feels
alone as their recruit transitions into a Marine. Ashley's love for her family, God, and country
is profound.
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