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Katharine (Robert N Katharine Mizla) from Whitelaw, WI
Katharine is a Navy brat who grew up all over the country, attending various schools
experiencing everything our country has to offer. Katharine married her husband
Robert in
2007 and began their journey of moving around the country, living in Maryland,
Florida, Ohio, and now Wisconsin. Since both Katharine and Robert are retired now,
all the
moving has stopped, and they have lived in Wisconsin since 2016. Both Robert and
Katharine are Air Force veterans who are very familiar with military life. Katharine
and Robert
could not have children but have unofficially adopted their nephew, a Marine.
Katharine and
Robert live with 5 cats and 1 dog!
Katharine chose to volunteer at because she found the website
full of
information as her Marine Poolee nephew left for boot camp. Katharine remembers
when she left for basic training (in 1982), she disappeared off the face of the Earth
from June
to September. Katharine’s parents had no idea what her training was like, how she
doing, or even when they would hear from her again. Now being in the “parents”
watching her Marine Poolee leave for boot camp; Katharine found all the information
available on plus the Facebook pages very helpful, informative,
comforting. Katharine felt with her own basic training experience 40 years ago and
her new
experience with her nephew, she could help parents going through the process
realize that
everything will be OK. Your Marine is going to make it, and the Marines will take
care of
them while they are away from home.
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