Yvonne (Yvonne Mercado) from Fontana, CA
Yvonne has lived in Southern California most of her life. She is blessed to be the
mom of 4
boys and grandma to a princess. Her sons range in age from 33 to 19. She's the
daughter of
a Vietnam Veteran. Her Marine is the youngest of the 4 and the only one to join the
She and his brothers couldn't be prouder of him. Because of the large age gap, the
eldest 3
are like fathers to our Marine. He graduated from Boot Camp in August 2021 and is
currently at his PDS.
Yvonne has become an empty nester with her youngest now a Marine. She thought
a great
use of her time would be to help other families navigate through this unique
adventure. She
wants to give back what she has been given and continues to receive, the valuable
information, compassion, and comfort that she has found in all the groups she joined
through MarineParents.com while following her Marine's journey.
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