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Yvette (Yvette Garcia) from Corona, CA
Yvette has lived in Southern California all her life and currently resides in Corona with her
husband, Juan, and fur baby, Rosie. Between the empty nesters, they have five adult
children: two daughters and three sons, the youngest being their amazing Marine, Matthew.
Yvette is also blessed with six awesome grandsons (yup, all boys!) and truly enjoys spending
time with her family! Almost every weekend, at one point or another, you will find her house
full and loud with laughter and love.
After her son graduated from boot camp in April 2020 and MCT right after, he was thankfully
at his schoolhouse in 29 Palms. This was such an extreme blessing being only a couple of
hours away from her home, so naturally, Yvette, her husband, and any family that was free
took as many day visits as they could, knowing that most likely his PDS would not be local,
and they were right. At the end of 2020, Matthew ended up being stationed in Cherry Point,
North Carolina, specializing in Satellite Communications, where he stayed for the duration of
his contract. On June 15, 2024, Matthew officially became a Veteran. He is now living in
Virginia, working in Washington D.C., where he has a career in what he learned while with
the Marines, Satellite Communications.
When Yvette’s son was about to leave for boot camp, his Recruiter provided a folder that
introduced MarineParents and suggested the family follow the poolee group and then the
applicable boot group to stay informed. Being that military life was new to Yvette, she
quickly requested to join these groups and researched everything she could to become an
educated, supportive parent. But after some time, she quickly realized the one source she
kept returning to was the MarineParents website and their Facebook groups. Why? Not only
was she able to learn the true facts about the Marines, but she was also able to listen and
communicate with people who had been in her shoes and felt the same highest highs and
lowest lows of being a mom of a recruit and then a Marine. Her mind and heart were put at
ease many nights by reading posts and comments and it was then when boot camp came
to an end for her son that Yvette decided she wanted to be a part of this fantastic group that
had become such a valuable source of security and pride for her.
In addition, Yvette felt a little lonely as an empty nester and wanted to contribute to
something of a greater purpose besides being a wife, a mom, a grandma, working full time,
etc. Not taking away from the fact that she was happily married and had a wonderful family,
she also wanted to contribute her time to something she could be proud to say she could do
by herself. MarineParents helped fill that small piece of her heart that was left a little empty
when her son stepped on those yellow footprints on January 27, 2020, and forever changed
her appreciation of life.
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