Dana (Dana Powell VO) from Independence, MO
Dana is a single mom of three who lives in Missouri with her two other children ages 18 and
14, two dogs, and two cats. Her oldest son expressed an interest in the military, Marines to
be exact, since the age of 14, and is now a Veteran Marine! Dana is currently employed at
Children's Mercy Hospital full-time and works for a local law enforcement agency part-time.
In her spare time, she enjoys going to her Aunt's farm, watching baseball and football,
camping, fishing, shooting, spending time with family and friends, and watching her children
grow in life.
Dana started volunteering with Marine Parents in April 2019; shortly after her son graduated
from boot camp. As the 1st Battalion Coach San Diego, Group Leader for PDS West,
Assistant Group Leader for Reserves, and Group Guide for Region 4 page, she hopes to
help educate and comfort families as their son's transition from Recruits to Marines as well
as offer support for her region and those families who have active duty Marines.
Dana enjoys helping others and was inspired by the support, information, and services she
received from the volunteers of Marine Parents who guided and educated her through the
stage of Recruit to Marine during boot camp. She is hoping to help others the same way she
was helped by providing guidance and comfort to other families as their loved ones go
through the transition from Recruit to Marine, families with their Marines at their PDS, and
families from her region.
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